What: BSAC Leadership Conference
When: 1-2 July, 2020
Where:Zoom online platform
Age: 18-35 years
Registration Deadline: 25 June, 2020
Because our annual committee meeting cannot take place in a physical space at the moment due to COVID-19, we are organising BSAC Leadership Conference 2020 online. We want to give our participants the opportunity to share how they are doing in this situation and what is happening in their realities from local and regional perspective. We also want to look at the future and bring our vision for the recovery plan.
During the meeting, we want to focus on the lessons learnt from the crisis situation due to COVID-19 and how future decisions will impact lives of young people now and in the future. The questions we would like to focus on will be on youth employment, social inclusion, education, health, systematic change for our economy, environmental sustainability.
After the economic crisis of 2008, young people have already suffered from poverty and social exclusion. We do not want similar scenario now and we want our voices as young people to be taken into account. We want our concerns to be heard and we want to have the opportunity to work to protect us, our plant and our future.
What can you expect?
We will get together for 2 days (about 2 hours per day) in an informal and formal settings. This means we will have a space to talk, to share, to support and to act.
More details on the programme will come soon and all registered participants will be informed of the technicalities and the content of the meeting.
The meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform. It will be in English and without any participation fee. Time of the meeting will be specified as soon as possible taking into account the different time zones.
It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other.
With best regards,
Johanna Ortega Ana Pirtskhalava
IUSY President IUSY Secretary General
Who can apply
This activity is aimed towards the leadership of IUSY member organisations from BSAC. Please note that it is required that the participants participate for the whole duration of the activity.
Participants should:
- Belong to IUSY member organisation
- Be aged 18-35
- Youth leadership of BSAC organisations
- Maximum 2 participants per organisation. Gender balance is required!
How to apply
To apply you must complete the following form by 25thof June 2020.
Contact information
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY Secretariat:
Gohar Ghandilyan
IUSY Project Manager
EMAIL: gohar.ghandilyan@iusy.org
Phone: +43 699 135 32 960
We are looking forward to receiving your registration and meeting you online!