Invitation To the IUSY World Council 2015- An Equal World Is Possible

Dear Comrades,


We have the pleasure of inviting you to the forthcoming:



– An Equal World Is Possible

Yerevan, Armenia – 7th May to 10th May 2015


“Peace is something more than the absence of war, although some nations would be thankful for that alone today. A durable and equitable peace system requires equal development opportunities for all nations.”

    – Willy Brandt

2015 is an important year for the future of international development. The UN Special Summit on Sustainable Development, the UN Climate Change Conference, and the European Year for Development are just a few landmarks that will outline the work of the international community on the struggle for peace, equality and sustainable development in the upcoming years. 


It is also the time for us to discuss together the challenges of today and tomorrow in order to propose our solutions for a more equal and fair world. Together we will make an equal world for all possible! 


The IUSY Council determines the policy of IUSY between the Congresses and controls the activities of the presidium and discusses the financial report. Furthermore, it ensures implementation within the framework of the Declaration of Principle and the Statutes. It controls the activities of the presidium and discusses the financial report. 


We are looking forward to meeting you all again to enjoy both: fun and politics. Our hosting organization, AYF in Armenia, is happy to welcome you all in Yerevan.


Please find attached the technical information for the IUSY World Council. Note that we urge all member organisations to register before 10th of March.

We look forward to seeing you in Armenia for a fruitful and inspiring World Council!


In Solidarity,


Felipe Jeldres                                                     Evin Incir

IUSY President                                                   IUSY Secretary General


Attached documents