IUSY Balkan Round Table Statement

In the times when social-democracy is in crisis, rise of populistic and nationalistic theories have been collecting more and more young people. We as young socialists and social democrats from the Balkan region are aware of lacks that our governments have done, but as well ready to give new solutions and put again the individual in the center of the political debate.

We should again put the needs of each single citizen of our countries in focus. Human rights are our light motive of the decent, social state. We should encourage women rights, better options for young people and elders, provide job opportunities for everyone and create a region place where everyone will find place for their personal and professional development.

To establish peace and stability in the region, we are urging our governments to find solutions, not only for previous, but also for current conflicts. We should honor all casualties in the region nevertheless nationality or religion. We should give our bests in order to find the best solution for citizens but also national and cultural heritages.

As the main regional priority we perceive the further EU integration of the whole region in the European Union. We are expecting our governments to deal with all challenges of the European path, including the reforms of the judicial and political system.

We should encourage regional cooperation, when considering young people. We should build bridges with educational and health reforms.

Youth unemployement is still a big regional issue. All enterpreneurs should be encouradged to provide job for young people. States should implement the mesures so that all young people in the region could have a job in the minimum six months after the finished education, not only the ones in the EU.

We should advocate a regional roaming free zone, so that communication and exchange of informations is facilitated for all young people.

We should put in focus a health of young people. Preventions of illeneses is best conduceted in the young age. We should educate our youth about healthy lifestyle. We should consider raising awareness about menthal health issues and STI among youth.

Earnings in the Balkans is not adequate. EU member countries on the Balkans suffer from huge youth migration because of the low salaries. Balkan countries, EU and non-EU members remain on 2nd and 3rd speed of Europe. We cannot accept this and we believe that EU in order to survive and exist fully and people to benefit from it we need cohesion, common standard of living, common taxation, no tax evasion and EU military forces.

Corrupted and low-profile, lacking of education people governing some Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia)  – are not capable of attracting foreign investments and not capable to provide economic growth and fair payment for the labour of people.

Balkan people do not want to do the “dirty” job of Europe anymore, to be third-world countries – people want decent working conditions, fair payment, adecuate infrastructure, modern healthcare and education.

IUSY Balkan Round Table calls all the responsible decision-makers to keep in mind all above mentioned demands and to stand by our side.