IUSY calls for the unity of the progressive forces of Colombia

On May 27th, a new political cycle began in Colombia. On election day, the Colombian people decided that the leadership of the country will be disputed between Ivan Duque and Gustavo Petro, in the second round.

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) calls for the unity of the progressive forces of Colombia, to join efforts and stop the rise to power of the most conservative sectors of the country, which with hate, seeks to unbalance the continuity of the peace process that Colombians need. The left and progressive forces of Colombia must assume a commitment to the history and to the Colombian political reality.

As IUSY, we are very optimistic about the ongoing peace process in a country that for a long time suffered the terrible consequences of a prolonged civil war. We call on the former candidates Sergio Fajardo (Coalición Colombia) and Humberto De la Calle (Liberal Party), so that together with the candidate of the Human Colombian Movement, Gustavo Petro, they concur on a programmatic agreement that lead to the construction of a society where all sectors feel represented, and above all, where the peace process continues its course and manages to consolidate.

We are convinced that in the unity of these sectors, rests not only the will of the Colombian people, but also the decision to continue building a peace process that guarantees compliance with all the points addressed in the signing of the Havana Peace Agreement and to reach big programmatic agreements of the progressive sector. The commitment must be for the peace of Colombia, for which so much has been fought, for which so much blood has been spilled, and above all, for which the Colombians have waited so long.