IUSY Global Seminar- Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals

The annual IUSY Global Seminar took place in Stockholm, Sweden, 28-30th November. Over 50 participants from IUSY Member Organisations from all over the world and members from the hosting organization SSU-Swedish Social Democratic Youth League took part in the seminar.


The main theme of the Global Seminar was Post 2015 Agenda. Following the 2012 Summit Rio+20 and the new focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) IUSY believe that our organizations must play a greater role in following up the Post-2015 Agenda. While we consider sustainability goals and a higher focus on environmental protection as well as climate change to be crucial and essential for human well being, our organizations should also be strong and advocate in this process that this should not lead to reduced, lowered or fading efforts to eradicate poverty completely.


The participants of the seminar got familiar with the UN structure, youth advocacy work within UN, Millennium Development Goals, and ended up with a discussion on the work on the Sustainable Development Goals, which is taking place right now. The Sustainable Development Goals will be adopted in the UN General Assembly in September 2015. IUSY is looking forward to a continued active work on the Agenda together with its member organisatios during the upcoming spring and summer.


Special thanks to Olof Palme Center Foundationand UN MGCY- United Nation Mayor Group For Children and Youth for their help in arranging the Global Seminar.