One of the world‘s most successful projects on regional integration, European Union, is right now facing a major challenge: the current economic crises in Greece. The question is if this Union will stand up for the ground foundation that it was built up on: peace, security and solidarity.


The European model has been successful in many ways. It has managed to turn a region that was faced with conflict and wars into peace and dialogue instead, and it has brought nations and people together in harmony. We cannot allow this dream that so many longed for to be a failure now. Instead of becoming a failure it should be a role model for other regions around the world towards more regional integration and in long term a tool for a border free world. However, the neoliberal measures that are being forced up on countries by the trojka have shown to fail continuously. Instead of short-term austerity measures, focus must change to sustainable and long-term investments in both public and private sector.


After more than five years of sacrifices and efforts made by the Greek people, three governments from different political parties and 2 bailouts, the situation in the Hellenic Republic has not improved, it has rather reached its worst stage. If anything is clear it is that austerity measures have not worked but to create pain and suffering and not reduced the debt, which has grown steadily despite massive cuts in the welfare state. The demands on massive austerity measures must end and the Greek people must get the chance to once again enjoy a decent life and prosperity.


From IUSY we want to show our solidarity with the Greek people in these difficult times and also show our unequivocal support for a Europe with Greece in it. But this support must be demonstrated by measures such as an investment plan and debt realise. It’s time to do something different so that negotiations become helpful for both the Greek country and for the European project. Anything else is a failure of the peace project the European Union and the Euro was built on.


For all this, IUSY urges that the necessary negotiations resume and for an end to an agonizing situation affecting millions of European citizens.