Check IUSY AFC 2018 statement!
IUSY African Committee 2018

Check IUSY AFC 2018 statement!
The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) strongly condemns the Israeli Supreme Court judges decision to order demolition of Khan al-Ahmar school, along with the adjacent Bedouin village located between the Israeli settlements of Ma’ale Adumim and Kfar Adumim.
The evacuation of people and activists together with the demolition of the school and of people’s houses to expand Israeli settlements represents a violation of the humanitarian law and of the Geneva Convention.
IUSY stands with Palestinian people and activists fighting for their human rights.
Sharing the content of the European Parliament Resolution on Khan al-Ahmar demolition, the International Union of Socialist Youth ask the Netanyahu right wing occupation rules and actions government to immediately stop any violations perpetrated against Palestinian people.
The international union of socialist youth (IUSY) strongly condemns the Air and missile attack to the headquarter of Kurdistan Democratic Party by Islamic Republic of Iran in North Iraq and at the same time execution of three political activities in Iranian prisons.
We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims and our sympathy to all those who were affected by this missile attack.
Sunday September 8th at 10:45 the headquarter of Kurdistan Democratic Party has been attacked by the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The air and missile attack targeted the Leading Board of the party’s meeting (polonium) taking place in the headquarter.
During and after the attack Iranian unmanned airplane were seen flying over the Koya city in Iraqi Kurdistan near the headquarter of the party.
Several members of Kurdistan Democratic Party have been killed and injured during the attack.
We call for urgent international intervention and urge all governments to work for to stop killing and executing civilian people by Iranian government.
IUSY will always fight against fundamentalist extremism, against discrimination and social injustices, and for a peaceful world where all global citizens can develop their lives in a satisfactory way.
Finally, we call on the international community and all the governments, but particularly socialist, social democratic and labor governments around the world to take concrete actions supporting Kurdish people rights and protecting them from Iranian fundamentalist, extremist government.
La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas comparte su preocupación por el difícil momento que está atravesando la Educación Pública Argentina, en particular las Universidad Públicas.
Los docentes universitarios han visto negado su derecho a paritarias libres, que fueron cerradas unilateralmente por el Gobierno Nacional otorgando por decreto insuficientes aumentos salariales. Para Diciembre de este año la inflación oficial se estima en un 42% mientras la retribución salarial llegaría a 10,8% en septiembre, consolidando la pérdida de poder adquisitivo que vienen sufriendo hace años.
Así mismo, las y los estudiantes se ven expuestos al mismo contexto de inflación, desempleo y reducción en las prestaciones sociales; sumando a esto, el recorte en becas y planes, lo que hace que ingresar y permanecer en la Universidad sea cada vez más difícil.
En ese marco, las 57 Universidades Nacionales aún no han comenzado las clases del segundo cuatrimestre, se encuentran todas en un paro por tiempo indeterminado que lleva ya tres semanas, sin que la alianza de Cambiamos asuma su responsabilidad y tome cartas en el asunto para poner fin a este conflicto.
El jueves 30 de Agosto más de 350.000 estudiantes, docentes, no docentes y trabajadores de todo el país se movilizaron hacia Plaza de Mayo en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, aunando el reclamo salarial, como así también presupuestario y reclamando que la educación pública es un derecho y no puede ser la variable de ajuste ante la crisis económica que atraviesa el país.
Instamos a la alianza de Cambiemos a que finalice el conflicto, respete y garantice los derechos de los docentes, pero también de todos los argentinos a una educación superior de calidad y no arancelada.
La educación es una pieza fundamental de nuestra sociedad, contribuyendo inconmensurablemente al desarrollo nacional. Hoy la Universidad Pública Argentina está en riesgo y desde IUSY llamamos a defenderla!
The International Union of Socialist Youth is concern about the difficult time that is going through Public Education Argentina, in particular Public University.
The university professors have been denied their right to free unions, which were closed unilaterally by the National Government granting insufficient salary increases by decree. By December of this year, official inflation is estimated at 42% while salary remuneration would reach 10.8% in September, consolidating the loss of purchasing power they have been suffering for years.
Likewise, the students are exposed to the same context of inflation, unemployment and reduction in social benefits; adding to this, the cut in scholarships and plans, make that entering and staying at the University increasingly difficult.
In this context, the 57 National Universities have not yet started the second semester classes, they are all in an indefinite strike for three weeks, without the Cambiamos alliance taking its responsibility and taking action on the matter to put end to this conflict.
On Thursday, August 30, more than 350,000 students, teachers, non-teachers and workers from all over the country moved to Plaza de Mayo in the city of Buenos Aires, joining the wage claim, as well as budgeting and claiming that public education is a right and cannot be the variable of adjustment before the economic crisis that crosses the country.
Education is a fundamental part of our society, contributing immeasurably to national development. Today the Argentine Public University is at risk and from IUSY we call to defend it!
In a historic victory in India, as the Supreme Court on the 6th of September announced a unanimous verdict to decriminalise homosexuality.
The Supreme Court ruled to scrap the colonial-era Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which criminalises “unnatural sex”. There have been reports of the law being used to intimidate, extort and blackmail members of the LGBT+ community. Some of those who were persecuted under this law faced further harassment in prison.
This ruling turns a new leaf for the LGBT+ movement in India as the court reverses an old ruling criminalising gay sex in December 2013. The September 2018 judgment reads: “Section 377 is arbitrary. The LGBT community possesses rights like others. Majoritarian views and popular morality cannot dictate constitutional rights.”
The Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra added, “Sexual orientation of an individual is natural and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a violation of freedom of expression.”
We laud India’s LGBT+ movement, student and youth groups, lawyers, government officials and NGO leaders who challenged the archaic law and fought to keep human rights universal.
IUSY Asia Pacific Committee welcomes the decision of the Supreme Court of India, which will ensure a dignified presence for the LGBTQ+ community. This verdict will open new avenues for the marginalised community and give them a platform for social and economic equality.
What: IUSY Asia Pacific Committee
When: 29 November to 02 December 2018
Where: Kathmandu, Nepal
The Olof Palme International Centre’s Global Project finances the IUSY Asia Pacific Committee. The IUSY Asia Pacific Committee 2018 will gather together IUSY member organisations and representatives from the Asia Pacific Region. The aim of the seminar will be to provide to the Member Organisations a platform to discuss the problems in the region and how they can work to achieve better democracies and respect for human rights. The event is hosted by our member organisation NSU.
Promoting democracy and human rights is still a battle in the Asia Pacific. The killings in the Philippines, the refugee crisis in the Manus island, the possible ethnic cleansing in Myanmar and governance problems in Nepal are grave human rights issues that affect thousands of people daily. It will be the task of socialist youths in the region to stand in solidarity with young people across the globe for a free and equal future.
For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at, put APC 2018 in the subject line.
Participation Profile & Selection Process
Each member organisation may register up to one participant for the meeting.
The selection criteria will be based on
1. Gender Balance (both IUSY statutes and the global project require gender balance)
2. It is only open to Member organisations and interested organisations in the Asia Pacific Region.
Participants must be able to attend the entire programme of the seminar.
It’s preferable that participants have an interest in democracy and human rights.
All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no exceptions.
How to apply
Participants must apply by filling in the registration form that you can find here.
The deadline for application is 30 of September 2018.
Participation fee
The participation fee for the event is 30€ per person and must be paid with bank transfer by Wednesday 29th October 2018. You will receive the bank details upon selection.
Please note that you will have to be selected before you pay the participation fee.
The participation fee will cover accommodation, meals, refreshments and programme for the duration of the event. Any additional nights’ accommodation must be arranged and paid for by participants.
Once you have made the bank transfer, please send a payment receipt to Please be aware that IUSY cannot take responsibility for any bank fees.
The IUSY Secretariat will support visa applications for the event. Please note that the Secretariat will support you with a visa invitation letter. Participants themselves must apply for the visa and book appointments with the embassies/consulates.
Travel Reimbursement
Travel reimbursement is available up to a fixed reference price for member organisations. Only economy tickets will be reimbursed.
Each organisation whose participant withdraws after the 1 of November without a valid reason will be charged the participation fee.
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit in Israel spells a dangerous future for young people in both countries. Duterte is not a friend of the Israeli people as he admires Adolf Hitler and takes inspiration from the Holocaust for his killing policy in the Philippines. That is why inaugurating a memorial commemorating the rescue of Jews by the Philippine during World War 2, is insincere, after what Duerte has been saying about Hitler.
Moreover, It is a disgrace that he is received by the right-wing, violent, government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. One of the aims of the meeting is selling weapons to Duterte’s cruel regime, which is a crime. Israel shouldn’t cooperate with enabling atrocities around the world, selling weapons to dictators that use them irresponsibly and against their own people.
Duterte’s visit to Israel only spoiled the history of solidarity between the people of Israel and the Philippines. Akbayan Youth and Young Meretz denounce Duterte’s visit to Israel and call on the government to cancel all meetings and deals with his government.
The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) strongly condemns the systematic assassinations and attacks against social leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia, as dynamics of violence continue, despite the implementation of the peace agreement with FARC.
This year more than 100 social leaders has been murdered. A trend that has been growing alarmingly in the region. The increase in these cases of aggression highlights the importance of the discussion on security in the communities and the existence of common patterns among the crimes committed.
The struggle for access to land, care for natural resources and for greater social justice must not be violated through illegal surveillance, harassment, sabotage, defamation, threats or assassinations by paramilitaries, post demobilised groups or State agents.
Those who live in the regions that were most affected by the armed conflict are the most vulnerable today to violations of their fundamental rights, mainly in places like Antioquia, Arauca, Chocó, Córdoba, Nariño, Norte de Santander and Valle del Cauca.
As IUSY we reiterate our commitment to consolidate the desired peace in Colombia, however, we urge the Colombian State to make the necessary efforts to support social leaders and human rights defenders, speeding up independent judicial investigations to clarify these cases, and reinforcing measures for prevention and protection, effectively guaranteeing the right to life and the physical and psychological integrity of Colombians.