Training of Trainers of IUSY

If you are interested in becoming the part of IUSY’s Pool of Trainers apply for our ToT that will take place in Mollina during 90-15 September.

In this Training for Trainers we aim to provide active members of IUSY the chance to acquire and develop training and facilitating skills, knowledge on non-formal education and youth work. Together we will explore non-formal education methods and discover how it can improve our activities. in addition, we will also strengthen the network of trainers to help us deliver future IUSY activities and promote non-formal education within IUSY and its member organisations.

Check out:

Invitation_IUSY Pool of trainers 2018

Invitation to IUSY Feminist Working Group Meeting

Come and join us at IUSY Feminist Working Group Meeting in Spain!

Working Group aims to raise awareness on gender issues by deconstructing the social constructs, questioning stereotypes and one dimensional role of women* as well as reflecting on women*’s role and participation in sociopolitical life in different realities. During this meeting, we will discuss and share experiences and build strong network of young activists who will continue working and strengthening IUSY Feminist working group.

For more info see:

Invitation_IUSY Feminist working group meeting’18

En México ganó la izquierda, felicitamos al nuevo presidente Lopez Obrador


Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés) expresamos nuestras felicitaciones al pueblo de México por el proceso electoral democrático que se llevó a cabo el pasado 1 de Julio, donde resultó electo el candidato de izquierda Andres Manuel López Obrador. 

El triunfo de Lopez Obrador podrá marcar una nueva agenda para nuestra región, donde los proyectos de la izquierda se han visto afectados por distintas circunstancias, y con este resultado electoral, volverán a surgir para dar respuesta a nuestras sociedades.

Hacemos un llamado a todos los sectores de México, a que apuesten a un proceso de reconciliación y paz, donde se encuentren involucrados todos los partidos políticos y la sociedad civil organizada, en la búsqueda de una solución inmediata a los problemas que afectan la tranquilidad y la seguridad del pueblo mexicano.

Desde IUSY nos sentimos esperanzados, que el triunfo de Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, podría marcar el punto de partida de una reivindicación de la izquierda Latinoamerica, aspecto que constituye un importante paso en el objetivo de crear sociedades más democráticas y progresistas.

 Saludamos y felicitamos al pueblo de México, que se manifestó en las urnas para elegir democráticamente un gobierno de izquierda por los próximos seis años.



The left won in México, we congratulate the new president Lopez Obrador.

As the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) we congratulate to the people of Mexico for the democratic electoral process that took place on July 1st, where the leftist candidate Andres Manuel López Obrador was elected as the president of the country.

The triumph of Lopez Obrador may mark a new agenda for American region, where the projects of the left have been affected by different circumstances, but with this electoral result, will re-emerge to respond to the needs of our societies.

We call on all sectors of Mexico, to bet on a process of reconciliation and peace, where all political parties and organized civil society are involved, in the search for an immediate solution to the problems that affect the tranquility and security of the Mexican people.

From IUSY we are hopeful that the triumph of Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, could mark again the starting point for the Latin American left, an aspect that constitutes an important step in the goal of creating more democratic and progressive societies.

We again salute and congratulate the people of Mexico, who democratically elected a left government for the upcoming six years.

IUSY Mediterranean Committee Meeting Statement, Rome, 21-24 June, 2018

The Mediterranean Committee leadership conference 2018 took place in Rome, Italy on 21, 22, 23 June in the presence of youth leaders of the IUSY family. The representative of the member organizations had the chance to discuss important issues such as feminism, potential for conflict transformation in the Middle East, as well as Refugee and Migratory issues. The meeting was a chance for the member organizations to know better and discuss the different political, economic, and social situation in the Middle East.

Palestinian Israeli Conflict:

IUSY affirms its full support for the Palestinian struggle towards freedom, justice, independence, and self-determination. IUSY calls for an immediate stop of Israeli violence on peaceful protestors in Gaza strip who are seeking freedom and justice as well as ending the ongoing siege that has been taking place for the last decade.

IUSY calls for immediate release of all Palestinian political prisoners including the elected deputies.  We affirm that the two-state solution based on the 1967 lands with the full respect of UN resolutions and international legitimacy (Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital and Israel with West Jerusalem as its capital) and just solution to the issue of Palestinian refugees based on 194 UN resolution is the only solution for the Palestinian Israel conflict. We also ensure that any deals that do not respect the right of Palestinian in freedom and justice and the right of Israeli in security will not be accepted and will be considered as violation against human rights. In that scope as well, IUSY supports Palestine joining the UN bodies and agencies.

Kurdistan Situation:

IUSY stresses its ongoing support for the Kurdish cause and the right of Kurdish people to self-determination. We view some rights as fundamental and indispensable primarily freedom of speech, association, movement, and expressing their collective rights that are given to minorities. We especially condemn the treatment of Kurdish political prisoners and call for immediate stop of the death penalty against the Kurdish political activists in Iran.

Western Sahara

IUSY continues with its full support to the people of Western Sahara in their struggle for freedom, justice, and self-determination. We call the international community and UN security council to take concrete measures to prevent any escalation of violence. IUSY calls upon EU members states to respect EU court decisions of December 2016 and February 2018 by refraining from including Western Sahara in their economic agreements with Morocco. IUSY calls for respect of international humanitarian law and support for the provision of a humanitarian assistance to the Sahrawi refugees in a way that is predictable, sustainable, and timely. In addition to respecting the human rights law in the occupied territory.

Lebanon Israeli Conflict

IUSY calls for support to maintain security and stability on Lebanese Southern borders and respecting the blue line demarcation during the process of oil and gas drilling that will be taking place in the Middle East.

Tunisia post revolution:

IUSY calls for support to the democracy and transitional justice process in Tunisia.

Feminism in the region:

IUSY calls for mainstreaming feminist approaches to foster women’s participation in equal societies, economies, and political life. IUSY stresses on the important role that women can play in peace building in the region.

Refugee and Migration Issues:

IUSY calls for prioritizing the issue of supporting activities in the refugee and migrants hosting countries as well as the countries going through turmoil or conflict. From European perspective, IUSY calls European and specifically south European member organizations to strengthen their mother parties and government’s commitment to support activities in the region that lead to political and diplomatic results. IUSY encourages implementation of migratory flow management that respects human rights and the building of a strong dialogue with countries of origin for a shared management of this phenomena. Additionally, IUSY calls for an immediate opening of humanitarian corridors as legal and safe ways to access different European countries.

IUSY calls the international funding agencies to support refugee hosting countries in the region especially Lebanon and Jordan.

IUSY condemns the zero tolerance immigration policy of the United States government


The International Union of Socialist Youth -IUSY- strongly condemns the zero tolerance immigration policy being implemented by the Donald Trump’s government in the United States border.

Since two months ago, the Department of Justice has considered that people who try to enter the US territory in an irregular manner commit a crime for which they must be put on trial. This completely breaks with migration as a human right, ratifying the racist and xenophobic vision of Donald Trump against Mexican and Central American citizens.

Due to the above, the parents who are detained by the border police lose custody of their children when they are considered abandoned, going into the care of the Department of Health and Social Services, being sent to the home of a relative, a foster home or shelters, at a time not defined.

In images published in the media after the visit of US congressmen, it was possible to know the situation of these shelters in the complex of Úrsula and Casa Padre, both warehouses located in Texas. They are separated from their migrants parents about two thousand children and adolescents, in conditions that violate their rights and dignities completely by staying in cages, under permanent light and with deficient care, reminding us of the situation to those unfortunate moments that as humanity shame us.

We demand that the rights of the child be respected in these deportation proceedings. Every moment in which the children are separated from their parents is an inconceivable damage!

We request that the United States government stop violating the human rights of migrants. Looking for a better future is not a crime!


La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas –IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés– condena enérgicamente la política migratoria de tolerancia cero que está ejecutando el gobierno de Donald Trump en la frontera sur de Estados Unidos.

Desde hace dos meses, el Departamento de Justicia ha considerado que las personas que intentan ingresar a territorio estadounidense en forma irregular cometen un delito por el que deben ser juzgados. Esto rompe totalmente con la migración como derecho humano, ratificando la visión racista y xenófoba de Donald Trump en contra de ciudadanos mexicanos y centroamericanos.

Debido a lo anterior, los padres y madres que son detenidos por la policía fronteriza pierden la custodia de sus hijos e hijas al ser considerados como abandonados, pasando al cuidado del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales, siendo enviados a casa de un familiar, un hogar de acogida o refugios, en un tiempo no definido.

En imágenes publicadas en los medios luego de la visita de congresistas estadounidenses, se pudo conocer la situación de estos refugios en el complejo Úrsula y Casa Padre, ambos almacenes ubicados en Texas. En ellos están separados de sus padres migrantes cerca de dos mil niños, niñas y adolescentes, en condiciones que violan totalmente sus derechos y dignidades al permanecer en enjaulados, bajo luz permanente y con deficiente cuidado, recordándonos la situación a aquellos lamentables momentos que como humanidad nos avergüenzan.

Exigimos que los derechos del niño sean respetados en estos procesos de deportación. ¡Cada momento en que los hijos se encuentran separados de sus padres es un daño inconcebible!

Solicitamos que el gobierno de Estados Unidos deje de violar los derechos humanos de los migrantes. ¡Buscar un mejor futuro no es un crimen!

IUSY reitera preocupación por grave violación de Derechos Humanos en Nicaragua


Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en inglés) reiteramos nuestra profunda preocupación por los acontecimientos en Nicaragua, donde hay graves violaciones de Derechos Humanos, con más de 150 muertos, más de 1500 heridos y más de 20 presos políticos. 

Durante más de 50 días de protestas, el Estado no ha sido capaz de garantizar los derechos humanos, por lo que exigimos que el gobierno de Ortega-Murillo asuma la responsabilidad por los asesinados, ataques, represiones, persecuciones y encarcelamiento de todos los ciudadanos que han decidido salir a las calles a protestar pacífica y cívicamente.

Abogamos por una salida pacífica a la crisis socio-política que vive Nicaragua, por lo que nos sumamos al clamor de las organizaciones internacionales, para que se reinicie el diálogo nacional. 

Hacemos un llamado a la comunidad internacional a darle seguimiento a los acontecimientos que suceden en Nicaragua, ya que hay un pueblo que exige y demanda justicia y libertad.


IUSY once again expresses concern about serious violation of Human Rights in Nicaragua

We as the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) reiterate our deep concern about the events in Nicaragua, for the serious violations of human rights, with more than 150 deaths, more than 1500 injured and more than 20 political prisoners.

During more than 50 days of protests, the government has not been able to guarantee human rights, therefore we demand that the government of Ortega-Murillo assume the responsibility for the murdered, attacks, repression, persecution and imprisonment of all citizens who have decided to leave to the streets to protest peacefully and civically.

We advocate for a peaceful solution to the socio-political crisis in Nicaragua, which is why we join the clamor of international organizations to restart the national dialogue.

We call on the international community to follow up on the events that are taking place in Nicaragua, for their people who claims and demands for justice and freedom.


IUSY Balkan Round Table Statement

In the times when social-democracy is in crisis, rise of populistic and nationalistic theories have been collecting more and more young people. We as young socialists and social democrats from the Balkan region are aware of lacks that our governments have done, but as well ready to give new solutions and put again the individual in the center of the political debate.

We should again put the needs of each single citizen of our countries in focus. Human rights are our light motive of the decent, social state. We should encourage women rights, better options for young people and elders, provide job opportunities for everyone and create a region place where everyone will find place for their personal and professional development.

To establish peace and stability in the region, we are urging our governments to find solutions, not only for previous, but also for current conflicts. We should honor all casualties in the region nevertheless nationality or religion. We should give our bests in order to find the best solution for citizens but also national and cultural heritages.

As the main regional priority we perceive the further EU integration of the whole region in the European Union. We are expecting our governments to deal with all challenges of the European path, including the reforms of the judicial and political system.

We should encourage regional cooperation, when considering young people. We should build bridges with educational and health reforms.

Youth unemployement is still a big regional issue. All enterpreneurs should be encouradged to provide job for young people. States should implement the mesures so that all young people in the region could have a job in the minimum six months after the finished education, not only the ones in the EU.

We should advocate a regional roaming free zone, so that communication and exchange of informations is facilitated for all young people.

We should put in focus a health of young people. Preventions of illeneses is best conduceted in the young age. We should educate our youth about healthy lifestyle. We should consider raising awareness about menthal health issues and STI among youth.

Earnings in the Balkans is not adequate. EU member countries on the Balkans suffer from huge youth migration because of the low salaries. Balkan countries, EU and non-EU members remain on 2nd and 3rd speed of Europe. We cannot accept this and we believe that EU in order to survive and exist fully and people to benefit from it we need cohesion, common standard of living, common taxation, no tax evasion and EU military forces.

Corrupted and low-profile, lacking of education people governing some Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia)  – are not capable of attracting foreign investments and not capable to provide economic growth and fair payment for the labour of people.

Balkan people do not want to do the “dirty” job of Europe anymore, to be third-world countries – people want decent working conditions, fair payment, adecuate infrastructure, modern healthcare and education.

IUSY Balkan Round Table calls all the responsible decision-makers to keep in mind all above mentioned demands and to stand by our side.

For Safe, Free and Legal Abortion in Argentina!

From the International Union of Socialist Youth we call to vote in favour of the law of “Ley de Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo”that legalises abortion in the first 14 weeks that is being discussed in Argentina. We send our support to the Campaign for Sexual Education with hopes that they will succeed.

“Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir”!!!

From IUSY we seek equality, we defend human rights and we fight to empower women in all stages of their lives. We believe that it is essential to recognize women as subjects of rights, as citizens and moral agents capable of deciding whether or not to be mothers, and that the State guarantees them their right to health in an integral way.  States need to ensure that women are capable of having access to and being able to freely exercise their sexual and reproductive rights. States need to provide access to comprehensive sexual education and reproductive health services, including free access to abortion.

For 13 years the Campaign for Sexual Education, “Anticonceptivos para no abortar, y Aborto Legal Seguro y Gratuito para no morir”, have presented the bill that is currently under review in the Congress of Argentina. The bill has come as a result as the women’s movement grew stronger due to an extreme increase in sexual violence. Under the slogan #NiUnaMenos many women came out to defend themselves, especially the youth. The youth of Argentina are the ones who are currently leading this debate and fight for their reproductive rights and freedom.

In Argentina approximately 450,000 abortions are performed per year, and the death rate from clandestine abortions amounts to 43 (representing 17.3% of total maternal deaths). Having an abortion in Argentina today costs between $ 10,000 and $ 17,000, and misoprostol pills cost approximately $ 3,000. Poor women suffer the most; they are in the top of those who die because they cannot afford the costs of accessing safe abortion.

In countries where abortion has been decriminalized, maternal deaths from abortions no longer exist and the number of abortions performed was reduced. Even in Rosario, Argentina, abortion mortality has been reduced to zero and advances in the same way in the Province of Santa Fe, where Misoprostol is also produced in public laboratories. Understanding abortion as a public health policy is unavoidable in the face of these figures and evidences.

The decriminalization of abortion is a debt of democracy and its legalisation is necessary in terms of social justice, equality, women’s health and human rights. Hopefully, legal abortion will be a reality in Argentina soon.