African Committee: end Slavery in Libya!

It has been reported for years that those who have crossed the Mediterranean have shared stories about beatings, kidnapping and enslavement.

More recent allegations of migrants being sold into slavery in Libya have been surfacing since the International Organization for Migration first brought up the matter in April 2017.

In October, CNN discovered that sales of migrants, in particular youths from Niger and other sub-Saharan countries being sold to buyers for about $400 (£300) in Tripoli and about nine other undisclosed locations in Libya.

In the last few days, new reports have emerged that migrants trying to reach Europe have spoken of being held by smugglers and forced to work for little or no money.

Current United Nations estimates place the number of migrants in Libya around 700,000. The safety of all the migrants travelling through Libya and the preservation of freedom and human dignity is of the utmost importance to the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY).

As an international organization focused on the fight for freedom and social justice, we emphatically denounce the atrocious acts of slave trade taking place in Libya and strongly condemns the practice and its perpetrators.

We urge the government of Libya to take swift and decisive action to put an end to all sales of persons within its territory.

IUSY further calls on the government to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of migrants in the Country and to provide facilities and resources that are needed for the humane treatment and processing of the migrants while they are within the borders of Libya.

IUSY further calls on the International community at large to take bold and persistent action to end the modern slavery that has been overlooked for some time now.

The protection of human life, freedom from slavery and forced servitude, and the preservation of human dignity, are rights germane to the duties of all Nations under international law and international institutions particular the United Nations must be seen to be taking swift measures to end these heinous actions in Libya and other countries alike.

An enhanced international cooperation is required to ensure the clampdown on human smugglers and traffickers and the enforcement of international law that guarantees an end to the atrocities associated with slavery and human trafficking.

We finally reiterate our call to the International community to find sustainable solutions through solidarity and development cooperation to address the key challenges confronting the developing world which invariably account for the high proportions of migration from these countries travelling through unapproved routes while increasing the opportunities for legal migration.

Apoyamos iniciativa del 25% para la juventud en los espacios de representación política de República Dominicana


La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas expresa su apoyo a los reclamos de la juventud de los movimientos políticos de la República Dominicana para que en la actual discusión sobre la ley de partidos políticos y la reforma del código electoral, sea incluida una cuota de participación del 25% para la juventud en los espacios de elección popular.

Hemos visto con preocupación los bajos índices de representación juvenil que se observa en los distintos espacios de representación política, por consiguiente, nos sumamos a las propuestas que han unificado a la juventud dominicana para lograr mayores niveles de representación.

Esta organización internacional que reúne a los jóvenes lideres de izquierda esta comprometida con la educación y la formación política. En ese sentido entendemos que una porción de los fondos que destina el estado dominicano a los partidos políticos debe ser dirigidos a la formación política de los jóvenes para crear mayores niveles de conciencia política y ciudadana, así como avanzar hacia la profesionalización del ejercicio político.

Estamos consiente que la juventud representa un sector esencial para el desarrollo de los países y entendemos que las leyes de la República Dominicana deben fomentar la participación de los jóvenes en los espacios de toma de decisión, por lo que exhortamos a los legisladores dominicanos incluir en la ley de partidos políticos y el código electoral, los legítimos reclamos de la juventud dominicana.

Desde IUSY saludamos la iniciativa que distintos actores políticos han asumido como bandera a favor de esta propuesta, en especial la juventud de las diferentes organizaciones políticas de la República Dominicana.

Resolution of the African committee Leadership meeting 2017

The Africa Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth held its leadership conference from the 9th to 12th November 2017 in Pretoria, South Africa, under the auspices of its Member organization – SWAYOCO. The theme of the conference was Deepening Democracy, Social Justice, and Equality in Africa.

The Africa Committee noted that the socio-economic challenges facing the continent have left a huge number of young people in a precarious position of destitution, unemployment, dwindling opportunities for education, and increased attraction to crime amongst others. The Committee also agreed that as the neo-liberal agenda takes over, the plethora of challenges facing the Continent revolve around rising inequalities, increasing extremism and terrorism, hunger, marginalization of women, discrimination based on sexuality, a backlash on democracy, and poverty.

The former IUSY President and current South African Member of Parliament and Minister of Police, Comrade Fikile Mbalula, reminded the Committee of its founding principles of promoting social justice, equality and fairness in the world. He reminded the IUSY leadership to continue to be vocal on the international issues pertaining to the advancement of IUSY’s core principles and also to continue to show solidarity across the Globe. Finally, Comrade Mbalula cautioned the Committee, as the youth of this generation, to remain the leading voice in the pursuit of social justice and equality. He mentioned that young people needed to be radical and principled in standing up against any forms of dictatorship and he called upon the youth to analyze the current geopolitics with the view of coming up with a credible alternative that will make this country a better place for everyone.

The Committee noted overarching challenges such as the rising levels of unemployment across several countries on the continent. A large majority of young people are failing to access employment due to the fact that some industries and companies are closing down.

Further, the Committee noted the increasing spate of injustice and abuse of human rights in some African countries particular Swaziland, Eritrea, and Western Sahara, among others. Zimbabwe was reported to be in a situation of state capture by the first family which has caused an affront to the promotion of democracy in the country. It was further noted that the state of the economy was having an effect on the general welfare of the country as a lot of people were failing to make ends meet.

From Swaziland, the issues noted were that political parties are banned in the country and that people are not allowed to criticize the government because it is tantamount to criticizing the King which is not allowed. The representatives reported that most Swazi have gone into exile and it is difficult to prosecute the struggle at home. In response, the Speaker reiterated the need for regional, continental and international solidarity on the Swaziland issue.

It was noted that Morocco had joined back into the African Union Community officially and that the transition to democracy is underway in the country as there is a coalition government mandated to ensure there is progress in the country.

The Former chairperson of the African Union, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma gave a presentation on the challenges women are facing, especially young women of our continent. She noted that youths are catalysts to change and they need to make use of their energy and age to push for change in society. Thus, youth need to be skilled in whatever they are doing. She bemoaned the fact that youth together with are marginalized but that should not deter them from seeking a better world for themselves. She also noted that Africa needs to industrialize for it to develop as manufacturing, value addition in agriculture and infrastructure development all would contribute to the development of Africa and making it a powerhouse in world politics and trade.

It was agreed by the Africa Committee that the role of youth organisations means that they have to run with the 2063 agenda since new development and investment opportunities offered by the Agenda 2063 will require a technological revolution, decreasing conflicts in Africa and creating new international alliances.

Finally, President Zuma spoke to the Africa Committee and challenged young people to get into conversation around the reformation of international organisations. He urged young people to speak up against injustices happening in the Middle East where the UN vetoing has been abused by two major powers that continue to destroy countries such as Syria. In that regard, he called upon the youth to be at the forefront of the calls to reform and transform the United Nations and ensure participation of all countries by having Africa occupying a permanent seat in the UN Security Council so as to foster peace and security in the World.

He noted with concern how former colonial powers still want to continue influencing how their former colonies operate and he called upon young people to stop this unnecessary pressure and define how the political economy of the globe is managed.

He ended by challenging the youth to stop the rise of right-wing parties and organisation so young people need to continue as a stronger voice of the left.

The Committee in its deliberations noted the need for member organisations to avert their minds and activities towards ensuring that the interest of marginalized groups and minorities in societies are for championed and policies that ensure their inclusion in societal development are advocated for.

The Africa Committee, therefore, resolved as follows:
  1. There is the need for regional and continental solidarity to issues and challenges happening in member countries. IUSY is expected to take a leading role in the provision of solidarity to nations and institutions around the globe faces crisis.
  2. There has to be continuously engaged around the conflict between the Western Sahara and Morocco to ensure that the issue comes to a pacific and political solution which guarantees self-determination of the Western Sahara.
  3. African member states must expedite the introduction of free interaction in travel and trade and the production of African passports should be done as a matter of urgency.
  4. There must be a strengthening of the regional and continental networks especially in the deepening democracy and promotion of social justice.
  5. There is need to come up with a number of programmes in the different countries so as to strengthen Member Organisations as well reaching out to more young people in the home countries.
  6. There is need to further strengthen the networks and linkages between and amongst Member Organisations.
  7. In line with IUSY statutes and in the principle of promoting gender equality and closing gender gaps, delegations to IUSY meetings and platforms should be gender balanced at all costs.
  8. The African Committee noted the upcoming IUSY Congress to be held in February 2018 and we do hereby declare that Africa needs to be given an opportunity to lead the organization. In that regard, the current Coordinator of the committee Ms. Benedicta Lasi is nominated as the Committee’s preference to run for the position of President of IUSY.

Zimbabwe needs a democratic governance in the shortest time possibile

Zimbabwe - the Africa committee in South Africa

It has been reported on the 14th of November, 2017 that the military in charge of Zimbabwe announced through a spokesperson that the governance of the Country has been taken over by the military in its quest to purge the country of people who they believe have plunged the country into “social and economic suffering.”

The Africa committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) calls on the military and other stakeholders in Zimbabwe to exercise restraint in their actions as they work at finding a lasting solution to the current political developments.

The supreme interest, safety and well-being of the people of Zimbabwe should be the suprime-priority for the interim period that the military assumes the helm of affairs.

Africa has a well-documented and unfortunate history of harsh military regimes that have engaged in widespread violations of human rights after the usurpation of constitutional governments. Consequently, Africans have grown averse to military interventions in governance and have developed a commitment to stable, peaceful, and prosperous democratic governance.Zi

The IUSY Africa committee shares in the collective concern of the people of Zimbabwe on the possibility of a new military dictatorship.

The Africa Committee of IUSY therefore calls the international community particularly the African Union and the Southern African Development Committee (SADC) to take pragmatic steps to ensure that the situation in Zimbabwe does not deteriorate.

The IUSY Africa Committee further calls on the people of Zimbabwe, especially Political parties, Civil society, and the media to actively, progressively and peacefully work with the leadership of the Military to restore the country to democratic governance in the shortest time possible.

“La gauche” – 33 Congrès Mondial IUSY 2018

Congress / Congreso / Congrès logo
Bečići, Montenegro / 15-18 Février 2018
English invitationInvitación española

Le Congrès Mondial IUSY est notre événement mondial le plus important où nous avons rassemblé les dernières années, élu notre leadership et établi le programme pour l’avenir.

Les deux dernières années ont été les années où l’inimaginable est arrivé. Des démocraties bien établies ont été assiégées par des populistes et des néo-fascistes, réclamant des parts de pouvoir. Toutes les régions du monde sont tombées dans la rhétorique anti-solidarité nationaliste et antidémocratique de la droite. L’extrême droite se répand dans les périphéries des grandes capitales de l’Ouest, ainsi que dans de nombreux autres endroits du monde. Leur récit s’installe dans l’esprit des émigrés et effrayés de nos sociétés, leurs paroles empoisonnent le raisonnement des colériques.

Nos partis ont rarement réussi à contrer, souvent en défendant le statu quo au nom du bon sens, mais en apparaissant conservateurs et sourds aux appels à l’aide aux yeux de ceux qui demandent un changement radical.

Nos mots ont été tordus, changés et utilisés contre nous.

Il est temps pour nous de prendre position, car nous devons nous rappeler que le changement ne vient jamais d’en haut. Cela n’arrive que lorsque les gens réalisent que ce n’est pas le monde dans lequel nous voulons vivre. Malgré les luttes, les risques, les combats et le temps que cela va prendre un changement tangible, nous devons rester aujourd’hui avec une voix encore plus forte que nous allons changer ce monde.

Nous avons besoin de vous, de vous tous. Nous avons besoin de votre énergie, de vos idées brillantes et de votre idéalisme pour faire de notre lutte plus que de simples mots confinés dans une salle de conférence.

Nous sommes impatients de vous rencontrer tous au “La Gauche”, le 33ème Congrès Mundial IUSY 2018, pour profiter à la fois du plaisir et de la politique.

Notre organisation d’accueil, le Conseil de la jeunesse du Parti démocratique des socialistes du Monténégro, est heureux de vous accueillir tous chez vous.

Veuillez trouver ci-joint les informations techniques pour le Congrès mondial IUSY.

Notez que nous invitons toutes les organisations membres à s’inscrire avant le 30 novembre 2017, mais au plus tard le 31 décembre 2017.

Il y a une tâche difficile à accomplir – la plus difficile depuis des générations – mais nous sommes, après tout, la gauche!

Pour cette raison, nous sommes impatients de vous voir au Monténégro pour un Congrès mondial fructueux et inspirant.

En solidarité,

Howard Lee
Président de l’IUSY

Alessandro Pirisi
Secrétaire général de l’IUSY

Nikola Pesic
Président de DPS Youth forum


“La izquierda” – 33 Congreso Mundial IUSY 2018

Congress / Congreso / Congrès logo
Bečići, Montenegro / 15-18 Février 2018
English invitation | Invitation française

El Congreso Mundial IUSY es nuestro evento mundial más importante en el que nos reunimos para evaluar los últimos años, elegir nuestro liderazgo y establecer la agenda para el futuro.

Los últimos dos años han sido los años en que sucedió lo inimaginable. Las democracias bien establecidas han estado sitiadas por populistas y neofascistas que reclaman compartir el poder. Todas las regiones del mundo han caído en la retórica nacionalista antisocial y antidemocrática del derecho. La extrema derecha se está extendiendo en las periferias de las principales capitales de Occidente, así como en muchos otros lugares del mundo. Su narrativa se instala en las mentes de los emarginados y asustados de nuestras sociedades, sus palabras envenenan el razonamiento de los enojados.

Nuestros partidos rara vez han logrado contrarrestar, a menudo defendiendo el status quo en nombre del sentido común, pero apareciendo conservadores y sordos a los gritos de ayuda a los ojos de aquellos que piden un cambio radical.

Nuestras palabras han sido retorcidas, cambiadas y usadas en contra de nosotros.

Es hora de que nos unamos y tomemos posición, porque debemos recordar que el cambio nunca viene de arriba. Se produce solo cuando la gente se da cuenta de que este no es el mundo en el que querremos vivir. A pesar de las luchas, los riesgos, las peleas y el tiempo que puede tomar para ver un cambio tangible, debemos permanecer hoy con una voz aún más fuerte que vamos a cambiar este mundo.

Nos necesitamos a ti, a todos vosotros. Necesitamos vuestra energía, vuestra ideas brillantes y vuestro idealismo para hacer que nuestra lucha sea más que solo palabras confinadas en una sala de conferencias.

Esperamos conocer todos vosotros en “La izquierda”, 33 Congreso mundial de IUSY 2018, para disfrutar tanto de la diversión como de la política.

Nuestra organización anfitriona, el Consejo de la Juventud del Partido Democrático de los Socialistas de Montenegro, se complace en darles la bienvenida a todos ustedes en su hogar.

Se adjunta la información técnica para el Congreso Mundial IUSY.

Ten en cuenta que instamos a todas las organizaciones miembros a registrarse antes del 30 de noviembre de 2017, pero a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2017.

Hay una tarea difícil por delante, la más difícil en generaciones, pero, después de todo, somos ¡la izquierda!

Por esta razón, esperamos verte en Montenegro para un Congreso Mundial fructífero e inspirador.

En solidaridad,

Howard Lee
Presidente de IUSY

Alessandro Pirisi
Secretario General de IUSY

Nikola Pesic
Presidente de DPS Youth forum

“The left” – 33rd IUSY World Congress 2018

Congress / Congreso / Congrès logo
Bečići, Montenegro / 15th-18th February, 2018
Invitación española | Invitation française

The XXXII IUSY World Congress is our most important global event where we gather to evaluate the last years, elect our leadership and to set the agenda for the future.

The past two years have been the years where the unimaginable happened. Well established democracies have been under siege by populist and neo-fascists, claiming shares of power. All regions of the world have fallen into the nationalist anti-solidarity, anti-democratic rhetoric of the right. The far right is spreading in the peripheries of major capitals of the West, as well as in many other places of the world. Their narrative settles in the minds of the emarginated and scared of our societies, their words poison the reasoning of the angry ones.

Our parties have seldom managed to counteract, often defending the status quo in the name of common sense, but hence appearing conservative and deaf to the cries for help to the eyes of those who ask for a radical change.

Our words have been twisted, changed, and used against us.

It is time for us to come together and take a stand, because we must remember that change never comes from above. It comes only when people realise that this is not the world that we will want to live in. Despite the struggles, the risks, the fights, and the time it may take to see some tangible change, we need to still stand today with an even stronger voice that we are going to change this world.

We need you, all of you. We need your energy, your bright ideas, and your idealism to make our struggle more than just words confined in a conference room.

We are looking forward to meet all of you at “The left”, the 33rd IUSY World Congress, to enjoy both the fun and the politics.

Our hosting organization, the Youth Council of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, is happy to welcome all of you in their home.

Please download here the technical details for the IUSY World Congress.

Note that we urge all member organisations to register before the 30th of November 2017, but at the latest on the 31st of December 2017.

There is a hard task ahead – the hardest in generations – but we are, after all, the left!

For this reason, we look forward to seeing you in Montenegro for a fruitful, and inspiring World Congress.

In Solidarity,

Howard Lee
IUSY President

Alessandro Pirisi
IUSY Secretary General

Nikola Pesic
DPS Youth forum President

Preguntamos justicia por Yndira Sandoval, defensora de derechos humanos en México

El contexto de la violencia contra las mujeres en México se ha agravado, los feminicidios constituyen una triste e indignante constante en nuestra sociedad.

En México durante 2017, hemos conocido de casos tan significativos, dolorosos y sensibles, como el de la niña Valeria de 11 años hasta el de la estudiante Mara Fernanda Castilla, la médico Jessica y Lesvy Osorio; todas ellas asesinadas en la violación a los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres y de otros sectores de la población.

Pero también el acoso, la persecución y la vulneración a quienes han asumido desde el activismo organizado la defensoría de los Derechos Humanos, por parte del Estado, no se ha hecho esperar.

Recientemente, se dio a conocer el caso de Yndira Sandoval, defensora de Derechos Humanos y activista feminista, quien en el mes de septiembre de este año, sufrió de la violación física por parte de autoridades de la policía del Municipio de Tlapa de Comonfort en el estado de Guerrero, y su caso no se ha llevado a cabo en apego al debido proceso.

Desde La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas, nuestra solidaridad y respaldo a Yndira, a su trabajo y trayectoria, pues es una mujer que ha enfocado sus fuerzas, ideas y convicción en luchar contra la opresión de las mujeres, a favor del respeto a sus derechos y por un México, una América Latina, un mundo más igualitario.

Desde IUSY, nos pronunciamos porque las instituciones del Estado mexicano apliquen la justicia al caso de Yndira, desde una perspectiva de género y de Derechos Humanos, sin un linchamiento mediático, ni afectaciones a su integridad física. Nos solidarizamos porque, en la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres, necesitamos que aquellas personas quienes se avocan a esta loable labor, sigan existiendo,  resistiendo y generando condiciones para erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres en todos nuestros pueblos.

El Comité Americano de IUSY