La prohibición de Trump: discriminatoria, hipócrita e irresponsable


“Expreso mi más profundo disgusto y pesar por la prohibición de Trump de ciudadanos de Irán, Irak, Libia, Somalia, Sudán, Siria y Yemen”, dijo Howard Lee, presidente de la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas, Secretario Internacional de DAPSY y Miembro de la Asamblea Legislativa del Estado Perak, Pasir Pinji.

Prohibir a cualquier persona de cualquier país es tan malo, si no peor, que una “prohibición musulmana”. Decir que alguien es un terrorista potencial únicamente en base a su nacionalidad y, más aún, a la religión, es el grado más alto de discriminación. La religión es una elección, pero no hay elección en donde uno nace. ¿Dónde terminará? Bélgica tiene el mayor recluta de ISIS por habitante en el mundo: ¿el Presidente Trump va a prohibir a los belgas entrar en Estados Unidos? Mi propio país, Malasia, es una nación de mayoría musulmana, que muchos consideran como un semillero con las condiciones perfectas para que los operarios de la IS sean reclutados y basados. ¿Cuándo es el turno de Malasia para entrar en la lista de prohibición?

Los criterios citados para la política sobre quién se prohíbe también es el grado más alto de hipocresía. Según la orden ejecutiva de Trump, aquellos que “colocan ideologías violentas sobre la ley americana“, “participan en actos de intolerancia u odio” o “oprimirían a los estadounidenses de cualquier raza, género u orientación sexual“. Simplemente reemplace la palabra “Americanos” en cualquiera de esos puntos con cualquiera de las siete nacionalidades que enfrentan la prohibición y será demasiado fácil ver la hipocresía de la misma.

Una denominación común entre las siete naciones que se enfrentan a la prohibición es que los Estados Unidos han sido una parte significativa de las acciones militares, si no las han llevado a cabo. ¿Cómo pueden los Estados Unidos golpear militarmente a una nación y no estar dispuestos a admitir a los ciudadanos victimizados y devastados por la guerra como refugiados y, además, prohibirlos? Esto ya es bastante malo. Alguien consideraría la intención de la acción militar estadounidense en esas naciones prohibidas como una razón para la prohibición, pero sería simplemente hipócrita.

La democracia es sobre la rendición de cuentas a la gente. Los Estados Unidos, que en muchas ocasiones han asumido el papel de líderes del mundo libre, también deben ser responsables ante los pueblos del mundo. Al traicionar el espíritu de los padres fundadores de los Estados Unidos, el presidente Trump no sólo ha sido irresponsable para el mundo, sino que ha sido irresponsable con la democracia, la libertad, los derechos constitucionales y, esencialmente, América y el pueblo estadounidense.

Quisiera citar al primer Presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Washington, cuando dijo: “El vientre de América está abierto a recibir no sólo el opulento y respetado extraño, sino los oprimidos y perseguidos de todas las naciones y religiones a quienes acogemos con beneplácito la participación de todos nuestros derechos y privilegios”. Y otra vez: “Siempre había esperado que esta tierra pudiera convertirse en un refugio seguro y agradable para la parte virtuosa y perseguida de la humanidad, a cualquier nación a la que pertenezcan”.

Muchos jóvenes, progresistas y ciudadanos de todo el mundo continúan prometiendo solidaridad y amistad con el pueblo estadounidense. Respetamos el derecho de los estadounidenses a la soberanía, pero cada vez es más difícil dar respeto al máximo titular de la posición política y al Comandante en Jefe de los Estados Unidos de América.

Interdiction de Trump: discriminatoire, hypocrite et irresponsable


“J’exprime mon profond dégoût et mon regret sur l’interdiction des citoyens d’Iran, d’Irak, de Libye, de Somalie, du Soudan, de Syrie et du Yémen”, a déclaré Howard Lee, président de l’Union Internationale des Jeunes Socialistes, Secrétaire international de DASPY et Membre de l’Assemblée législative de l’État de Perak, Pasir Pinji.

Interdire quiconque de n’importe quel pays est aussi mauvais, sinon pire, qu’une “interdiction musulmane”. Dire qu’une personne est un terroriste potentiel uniquement en raison de sa nationalité et, plus encore, de la religion, c’est le degré le plus élevé de discrimination. La religion est un choix, mais il n’y a pas de choix dans l’endroit où l’on est né. Où va-t-il se terminer? La Belgique a le plus haut recrutement d’ISIS par habitant dans le monde: le Président Trump va-t-il interdire aux Belges d’entrer aux États-Unis? Mon propre pays, la Malaisie, est une nation à majorité musulmane, que beaucoup considèrent comme un foyer avec des conditions parfaites pour les agents de l’IS à être recruté et basé. Quand la Malaisie va-t-elle entrer dans la liste des interdictions?

Les critères cités pour la politique sur qui obtient l’interdiction est aussi le plus haut degré d’hypocrisie. Ils sont, selon l’ordre exécutif de Trump, ceux qui «placent des idéologies violentes sur la loi américaine», «se livrent à des actes de fanatisme ou de haine» ou «oppriment les Américains de toute race, sexe ou orientation sexuelle». Il suffit de remplacer le mot «Américains» dans l’un de ces points avec l’une des sept nationalités face à l’interdiction et il deviendra trop facile de voir l’hypocrisie dans l’interdiction.

L’un des dénominateurs communs parmi les sept nations faisant face à l’interdiction est que les USA ont été une action militaire importante, sinon menée, sur eux. Comment les États-Unis peuvent-ils frapper militairement une nation et ne pas être disposés à l’admettre en tant que réfugiés victimes et déchirés par la guerre et, en outre, les interdire? C’est assez mauvais. Quelqu’un considérerait l’intention de l’action militaire des États-Unis sur ces nations interdites comme raison de l’interdiction, mais ce serait juste hypocrite.

La démocratie concerne la responsabilité envers les gens. Les États-Unis, qui à maintes reprises dans l’histoire ont assumé le rôle de chef du monde libre, doivent aussi être responsables devant les peuples du monde. En trahissant l’esprit des pères fondateurs des États-Unis, le président Trump n’était pas seulement irresponsable envers le monde, il était irresponsable envers la démocratie, la liberté, les droits constitutionnels et, essentiellement, l’Amérique et le peuple américain.

Je voudrais citer le premier président des États-Unis, George Washington, lorsqu’il a dit: “Le sein de l’Amérique est ouvert à recevoir non seulement l’opulent et respecté étranger mais les opprimés et persécutés de toutes les nations et religions à qui nous participerons à tous nos droits et privilèges“. Et encore: “J’avais toujours espéré que cette terre deviendrait un asile sûr et agréable à la partie vertueuse et persécutée de l’humanité, à toute Nation qu’ils pourraient appartenir”.

De nombreux jeunes, progressistes et citoyens du monde entier continuent de promettre la solidarité et l’amitié avec le peuple américain. Nous respectons le droit des Américains à la souveraineté, mais il devient de plus en plus difficile de faire respecter le plus haut titulaire de la position politique et le commandant en chef des États-Unis d’Amérique.

Trump’s ban: discriminatory, hypocritical and irresponsible


“I express my deepest disgust and regret on the Trump ban of citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen”, said Howard Lee, president of International Union of Socialist Youth, DAPSY International Secretary and Perak State Legislative Assemblyperson, Pasir Pinji.

Banning anyone from any country is as bad, if not worse, than a “Muslim ban”. Saying that someone is a potential terrorist solely on the basis of his/her nationality, and, more so, religion, is the highest degree of discrimination. Religion is a choice, but there is no choice in where one is born. Where will it end? Belgium has the highest ISIS recruit per capita in the world: is President Trump going to ban Belgians from entering in the U.S.A.? My own country, Malaysia, is a Muslim-majority nation, which many consider as a hotbed with perfect conditions for IS operatives to be recruited and based. When is Malaysia’s turn to enter the ban list?

The criteria cited for the policy on who gets ban is also the highest degree of hypocrisy. They are, according to the Trump executive order, those who “place violent ideologies over American law”, “engage in acts of bigotry or hatred” or “would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation”. Just replace the word Americans in any of those points with any of the seven nationalities facing the ban and it will become too easy to call the ban hypocrisy.

One common denominator among all seven nations facing the ban is that the U.S.A. have been a significant part of, if not led military actions on them. How can the U.S.A. strike a nation militarily and do not be prepared to admit it victimised and war-torn citizens as refugees, and, furthermore, ban them? This is bad enough. Someone would consider the intent of the U.S.A. military action on those banned nations as a reason for the ban, but it would be just hypocritical.

Democracy is about accountability to the people. The U.S.A. who have, on many occasions in history, taken up the mantle of being the leader of the free world must also be responsible and accountable to the people of the world. By betraying the spirit of founding fathers of the U.S.A., President Trump has not only been irresponsible to the world, he has been irresponsible to democracy, liberty, constitutional rights, and, essentially, America and the American people.

I just would like to quote the first president of U.S.A., George Washington, when he said: “The bosom of America is open to receive not only the Opulent and respected Stranger but the oppressed and persecuted of all Nations and Religions; whom we shall welcome to a participation of all our rights and privileges“. And again: “I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever Nation they might belong”.

Many youths, Progressives, and citizens around the world continue to pledge solidarity and friendship with the American people. We respect the Americans’ right to sovereignty, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to afford respect to the highest political position holder and Commander in Chief of United States of America.

El discurso de odio de Donald Trump es una amenaza para el mundo


IUSY condena las expresiones de discriminación del nuevo presidente de los Estados Unidos de América, Donald Tump, las cuales representan un retroceso en las luchas por la igualdad y la unión de los pueblos del mundo. La violencia expresada tanto en discursos como en las políticas propuestas contra grupos de inmigrantes, la comunidad afroamericana, la comunidad LGBTI y las mujeres promueve la intolerancia y el odio.

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY), vemos con preocupación las políticas propuestas que significarían un retroceso en los derechos conquistados, por lo que es imprescindible mantener una defensa activa de los mismos y la unión de los sectores progresistas contra el avance conservador que representa Trump. Así también, resultan preocupantes sus declaraciones de negación del cambio climático, que suponen un enorme obstáculo para la concertación de acuerdos a nivel global para construir un mundo sostenible ambiental, económica y socialmente.

Por otro lado, condenamos el discurso supremacista blanco, el racismo y la inacción de Donald Trump para detener las acciones de odio de sus seguidores contra las diversas etnicidades en Estados Unidos. Creemos firmemente que un mundo más justo e igualitario sólo puede ser construido desde la tolerancia y la pluralidad.

Por último, vemos con suma preocupación las posiciones asumidas por Michael Pence, Vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, en contra de la comunidad LGBTI y en contra del derecho de las mujeres de decidir sobre sus cuerpos, así como su cercanía a sectores ultraconservadores durante su ejercicio como Gobernador de Indiana.

Nos solidarizamos con los sectores progresistas que manifiestan y luchan contra el avance de la derecha en Estados Unidos, con las compañeras y compañeros que marcharon en la Protesta de las Mujeres del 21 de enero, y especialmente con nuestras compañeras y compañeros de YDS. Llamamos a las organizaciones progresistas del mundo a solidarizarse y establecer acciones conjuntas atendiendo a la importancia de Estados Unidos como una de las potencias globales y su importancia en la agenda internacional.

Juntos venceremos.

Donald Trump’s hate speech is a threat to the world


IUSY condemns the expressions of discrimination of the new president of the United States of America, Donald Tump, which represent a setback in the struggles for equality and the union of the peoples of the world. The violence expressed in both his speeches and his proposed policies against immigrant groups, the African American community, the LGBTI community, and women are the doorway to intolerance and hatred.

We – the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) – are concerned by such proposed policies that would mean a setback in the hard-won rights, therefore we strongly encourage the unity of the progressive actors against the conservative advance represented by President Trump, and the strong defense of the liberties accomplished. Furthermore, his denial of climate change is also concerning, posing a huge obstacle to the implementation of global agreements to build a world that is environmentally, economically and socially sustainable.

We cannot but condemn Donald Trump’s white supremacist discourse, racism, and passivity in stopping his followers’ hateful actions against various ethnicities in the United States. We firmly believe that a more just and egalitarian world can only be built from tolerance and plurality.
Finally, we are baffled to notice the stands taken by Michael Pence, Vice-President of the United States, against the LGBTI community and against the right of women over their own bodies, as well as his closeness to ultraconservative fractions during his office as Governor of Indiana.

We stand in solidarity with the progressive actors who have demonstrated and fought the rise of the right-wing in the United States, with all the comrades who marched on the Women’s March on January 21, and especially with our YDS colleagues. We call on the progressive organizations of the world to stand together and establish joint actions in light of the role of the United States in the international agenda as one of the global leaders.
Together we will win.

African Committee ’16 Statement on the Region


The Africa committee meeting convened in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 15th -18th December 2016. The AFC under the theme “Democracy in Africa: The Importance of Youth Participation in Building Social Democracy”, comes at an opportune time when Africa is facing a backlash on the gains of democracy. The challenges faced by our continent are enormous and we, as young activists within our individual countries, must actively take up the mantle of ensuring that through activism and political campaigns, we call on our leaders to address these challenges. The meeting focused on Students and Youth Activism as a Catalyst for Democracy, the Challenges and Prospects for Women Leadership in Pursuit of Social Democracy, and the Promotion and Protection of Minority Rights in Africa.

AFC-resolution 2016 [en]

Duterte’s policy is a threat to the People of the Philippines

IUSY strongly condemns the outright disregard for justice and human rights by the administration of the President of Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte. IUSY also expresses deep concerns that the President has chosen to serve his own whims and the fancies of the few, over the good of his citizens and humanity as a whole. Among his worrying actions are:


Ever since President Duterte came into power in July 2016, unspeakable Humanitarian crimes- under the guise of a“War on Drugs”- have been committed. As of 18 December 2016, a total of 6173 Extrajudicial killings linked to Duterte policy have taken place, with the latest casualty being a 5-year old child of a rehabilitated drug user.


In 14 December 2016, he was quoted as saying “I’d go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around, and I would just patrol the streets, looking for trouble also. I was really looking for a confrontation so I could kill.” This admission of murder led to several Philippine Senators’ call for the President’s impeachment. However, Secretary of Justice Vitaliano Aguirre defended the President saying the comments were meant as “hyperbole” and thus dismissed the Criminal admission.


Duterte has also paved the way for the impending reinstatement of the Death Penalty in the Philippines, mooted to including barbaric methods such as public hanging and firing squad. This is coupled with a pronouncement of the age of criminality to be lowered from 15 to 9 years old.


Duterte has also drawn criticism for allowing ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried in Manila’s Heroes’ Cemetery in 18 November of this 2016. This was explained as a way for the country to finally heal after the horrors of Marcos-declared Martial Law era. The dictator’s remains were flown in from Ilocos Norte using the Armed Forces’ cargo plane, the burial done stealthily, and was given full military honors.


Duterte offered Presidential pardon to the impeached former President Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo, effectively dismissing all pending corruption cases against. He has also refused to investigate police officials who were ruled by National Bureau of Investigation as having caused the murder of incarcerated Mayor Espinosa. Such abuse of power to cover up or absolve serious criminals and fellow abusers of power is despicable.


Duterte has launched a personal vendetta against former Chief Justice, Senator Leila De Lima, stripping her of the role as the Senate Committee Chair on Justice, the very committee holding senate inquiries on Duterte linked extra judicial killings and the Davao Death Squad. The President’s also threatened the Senator with a congressional viewing of a sex tape purportedly featuring her.


Duterte has recently barred the elected Vice President Leni Robredo from attending all Cabinet meetings for being critical of his decisions. This led Robredo to resign from her Cabinet post as Chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council.


These and other acts are a far cry from the mandate given to him by the Filipino people as President. We urge President Duterte to listen to the Filipino people, stop the senseless killings, respect the rule of law and democratic institutions.


We also strongly call for The President to refrain from using his power to vilify and silence his critics. IUSY likewise urges President Duterte to heed the advice of the United Nations and cease all acts which undermine justice and human rights of the very people who have elected him.


IUSY calls on the Filipino people to remain united in the face of the current political dark age brought on by Duterte’s presidency.

IUSY urges the Filipinos to choose life over death, justice and due process over instant gratification, The dignity of humanity over one person.


We call on our fellow youth to serve as the beacons of truth in this trying time. We, the presidium of IUSY, are at one with your struggle for peace and security.

Stop Jammeh! A call for Democracy in the Republic of The Gambia

IUSY shows its deepest concern about the unfolding political situation the Republic of the Gambia. IUSY condemns the dramatic change of heart by the incumbent President Yayah Jammeh who has announced that he no longer accepts the national election results. He dully conceded defeat on December 2, 2016 to opposition coalition leader Adama Barrow. The people of the Gambia rejected the rule of Jammeh in the election that were held on December 1, 2016. Jammeh is popularly known for his undemocratic conduct as he attacked his political opponents and curtailed fundamental freedoms. The authoritarian rule of Jammeh started when he assumed power 22 years ago, through a military coup.

The sudden turn of events by Jammeh refusing to accept the election results makes democracy a mockery and cannot be tolerated. It is an attack on democracy and the will of the people to elect their own leaders. The people of the Gambia have spoken loud and clear by choosing their preferred candidate. IUSY and all democracy loving people of the world expect a smooth transfer of power to the new President elect Barrow.

IUSY calls for the people of the Gambia to remain united in this turbulent period as they find an amicable solution to the political impasse caused by Jammeh. Young people and democrats must stand in solidarity with the Gambian people at this dark moment.

IUSY calls upon on the international bodies, the ECOWAS, African Union, and the UN security council to stop the action of Jammeh and allow the President elect to assume office as mandated by the people. The UN security Council must respond immediately before there is blood shed in the Gambia. Let democracy and justice prevail in the Gambia.