IUSY calls to a productive and constructive work for the future of Catalonia and the whole Spain

In light of the political situation in Catalonia, IUSY wants to express the following:

  • IUSY affirms that, in all cases, its political positions are always coordinated with its Member Organizations; in regards to the political situation in Catalonia, IUSY expresses its agreement with the opinions and initiatives undertaken so far by the Joventut Socialista de Catalunya (JSC-Spain), the Juventudes Socialistas de España (JSE-Spain), and the views expressed by the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC), the Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), the Party of the European Socialists (PES) and the S&D Group.
  • IUSY believes that freedom of expression, democracy and the rule of law must always be ensured in any actions, measures or initiatives pursued by any government.
  • IUSY believes that any form of verbal or physical violence and bullying has no space in today’s political life, and shows its support to all the comrades and local representatives that have been harassed in the past days in regards to their views on this matter.
  • IUSY believes that a political problem such as that of the relation between Catalonia and the rest of Spain must be addressed from the political perspective and by ensuring that the voices of all actors are heard and taken into consideration.
  • IUSY believes that the respect of the rule of law and the political institutions is an indispensable condition for any political initiative.
  • IUSY believes that the approach taken by the government of Rajoy is wrong and counterproductive, since his extreme delegation into the judiciary is only contributing with more and growing tension to the political life in Catalonia.
  • IUSY believes that the unilateral path to the independence that the political forces in power in Catalonia have taken, with disrespect to the rights of the opposition and violating the current legal framework and the Spanish Constitution is not going to lead to any solution for the problems that the Catalans have.
  • IUSY believes that only a true, honest and sincere effort of dialogue, re-building bridges between Catalonia and the rest of Spain, reducing tensions and eventually reaching an agreement for a constitutional reform that respects all the political sensibilities and that is voted by all the citizens is the wisest procedure to provide a solution to this matter.