Protests in Turkey 2013

In support of all peace seeking and democratic forces in Turkey

The International Union of Socialist Youth is following the situation in Turkey with great concern. Turkey has for long had a democratic deficit and over the last years the situation has gotten worse. The ruling AKP government has in many ways limited and tried to limit freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of press. Turkey has many journalists imprisoned and imprisons more political activists than any other country.

What started out as a demonstration against turning down a green area in Gezi Park, Taksim, Istanbul, for a shopping mall has now lead to an uprising all around the country, bringing together a wide coalition of Turks, Kurds, Alevits, Sunni, women, homosexuals and elderly after an unprovoked violent attack by the police using water cannons and tear gas. People have had enough and ask for what should be obvious everywhere and all the time: Democracy, Freedom and Equality.

We as the youth of Socialist and Social Democratic parties all around the world support our member organizations CHP Youth, the youth of BDP and all other peace seeking and democratic forces in Turkey in their struggle. We therefore call for an immediate intervention by the UN to demand permanent stop to the police violence, which has led to thousands of people getting injured and at least 3 persons killed. The excessive use of water cannons, tear gas and peppers spray must be criminalized. The Turkish PM Erdogan must immediately accommodate the demonstrators’ demands and at the same time work for a constitution that, unlike the current one, embraces multiculturalism, different religions and multi ethnicity.

Turkey needs to move towards more democracy and not the opposite. The changes need to encompass all people regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender.

Finally, we want to express our deepest condolences to the family of Abullah Cömert, a member of CHP, and all other activists who lost their lives in the struggle against restrictions on freedom of speech and religion.

In Solidarity!

IUSY Presidium

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