“Fighting against climate change and social inequality around the world”

We as socialists, social democrats and labour organisations want to create a sustainable future. We want to face climate change with sustainable proposals, not only regarding pollution, but also the social inequalities caused by the adverse effects of climate change on disadvantaged people across the globe.

The future we want to create for the next generations is one consisting of a fairer, more developed, and more equal world, and this Council will focus on questions relating to how we achieve this with the focus on climate change and the social inequalities escalated by climate change. For example, what exactly are the links between climate change and sustainable development? How can youth lead actions on preventing climate change? What are the socio-economic effects of climate change?

The richest 10% of people produce half of Earth’s climate-harming fossil-fuel emissions, while the poorest half contribute a mere 10%. Still those who suffer the most of the effects of climate change are the vulnerable groups of our societies across the globe. Even though climate change is an issue we need to tackle together.

As organisations that fight against inequality, we have to put this issue at the top of our priorities; a world suffering from a climate crisis and increased social inequality makes global development unattainable. It is time to fight for a sustainable world through taking individual and collective action, and we must do it now. We need to act locally and think globally in order to create lasting positive change for our climate.

The IUSY World Council 2019 is hosted by the kind hospitality of JSD Tunisia and Fateh Youth Palestine.

Best regards,

Johanna Ortega                        Ana Pirtskhalava
IUSY President                         IUSY Secretary General


  1. Registration of Delegates

All delegates need to be registered through filling in the registration link provided in the invitation email. We urge all delegations to register before the 16th of December 2018 (since this means a better estimate on the number of participants attending the Council). After this date only a reduced travel reimbursement for all eligible organisations will be available.

The last deadline for registration is the 6th of January 2019. For delegations registering after the 6th of January no travel reimbursement will be granted and their acceptance depends on the situation of the registrations before the deadline.

First deadline: 16 December 2018
Second deadline: 06 January 2019

Registration link:

  1. Size of Delegations

Full member organisations are entitled to send two (2) participants. (entitled to TR (except MOs from European Committee)

Observer organisations are invited to send one (1) participant. (entitled to TR (except MOs from European Committee)

Invited organisations (guests) are invited to send one (1) participant. (not entitled to TR)

Presidium and Control Commission members are not counted as participants of their delegations for the IUSY World Council; they will take part in addition to the total number of delegates of their organisations.

  1. Participation fee

Every delegate and guest must pay a fee to cover part of his/her costs for the World Council. In the spirit of international solidarity, the fees are different according to world regions.

The participation fee (expressed in Euros, €) for registrations before the 1st deadline, the 16th of December 2018, will be the following:
Participants from organisations belonging to the European Committee (organisations from European Union’s member countries, from Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland): €150.
Participants from other organisations: €130.
Guests and invited orgs: €150.

The participation fee for registrations before the 2nd and last deadline, the 6th of January 2019, will be the following:
Participants from organisations belonging to the European Committee (organisations from European Union’s member countries, from Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland): €180.
Participants from other organisations: €150.
Guests and invited orgs: €180. 

Transfer the participation fee to following account respecting the naming mentioned below:

BLZ (BIC): 14000
Account number: 0531 0660 380
IBAN: AT41 1400 0053 1066 0380

Reason for payment: Council 2019 + Name and Country of your Organisation

Note: Please send a confirmation of the participation fee payment to the Secretariat.

The participation fee covers all costs for meals and accommodation during the days of the event. With the participation fee, each participant directly contributes to making the IUSY World Council truly global and to ensuring a broad participation. The participation fee secures the possibility for IUSY to give financial support for travel costs to delegations coming from outside of Europe.

The fee has to be transferred by the 20th of January to the IUSY bank account. In case of exception, please get in touch with the IUSY Secretariat.

Please do not transfer any participation fee until you get a confirmation email from IUSY secretariat stating that you have been selected to participate in the Council.

Note: If the delegate will not transfer participation fee before the Council (respecting the deadlines) or if they do not do payment in cash on arrival (notifying secretariat about it in advance) they will not be able to have accommodation for the council. Adding participation fee on debt will not be possible!

  1. Travel Info/Accommodation/Venue of the World Council

The World Council will take place in the Sousse, Tunisia. Sousse is located on the coast of Tunisia, 140 kilometres south from the capital Tunis.

Accommodation and food will be provided for the days of the Council, including arrival (Thursday) and departure (Sunday) days. We encourage you to arrive as early as Thursday, February 21st, as the Council starts on Friday morning.

The following airports are closest to the Council venue:

  • Monastir Habib Bourguiba International Airport (23 km)
  • Enfidha-Hammamet International airport (60 km)
  • Tunis Carthage International airport (160 km)

Travel from all three airports to the World Council venue will be provided. Please take into account that the travelling time from different airports to Sousse varies, also there will be the waiting time for grouping the participants arriving with different airlines. Waiting time can be some hours. If you are not comfortable with that we will provide information about public transport later on as well.

We will only provide transfers from and to the airport on 21th and 24th of February. No exceptions will be made. Individual transfers will not be provided.

  1. Travel Reimbursement

We are kindly advising all organisations to start booking flights immediately in order to get the best possible price. IUSY will be able to support your travel costs for delegations not from the European Committee* with a fixed maximum amount per delegation depending on the date of the registration (ones registered within first deadline have more chances to get TR) as mentioned above.
A list with reference prices will follow for each region. Please note that the full amount of travel reimbursement listed can only be given to the delegations registering before the 6th of January.

In case the organisation has not paid its membership fee for the year 2019 or has some debts from previous years, membership fee and all debts should be paid or will be automatically deducted from travel reimbursement. (you will get membership fee invoices for you the year 2019 before 15th of December).

All travel reimbursements will be made in Euro by bank transfer after the meeting. Exceptions will ONLY be made for those who contact the IUSY Secretariat before the second deadline for registrations and you will justify the need to get reimbursement in cash. But even in this case we will not guarantee that TR in cash will be possible.

Please send the attached travel reimbursement form with complete bank information to the Secretariat at

  1. Visa

Delegations who need a visa to enter Tunisia should start the process as soon as possible and apply for a tourist visa. Please kindly contact the embassy or consulate of Tunisia in your country immediately to begin the process for obtaining the visa. To assist you in the visa process, please provide all the relevant information in the registration form linked to the invitation email. I would also ask you to send the copy of your passport with your confirmation of participation.

IUSY will issue invitation letter upon request but it is participants responsibility to contact the embassies and to arrange earliest possible appointment. IUSY will not be able to cover visa costs.

  1. Right to Vote

Full member organisations have the right to two (2) votes. To confirm voting rights, each organisation must have paid their membership fee for the year 2019 as well as any outstanding debt (this membership fees can be paid either via bank transfer or on the spot in cash – only Euros or US dollars will be accepted). As stated in the IUSY Statutes: “A member organisation’s right to vote is automatically suspended, if all outstanding membership fees have not been received by the opening of the Congress or Council.”

All delegations must be gender-balanced (1 female and 1 male delegate in delegations composed of 2 members). Delegations not respecting this rule automatically lose 1 vote and will not be entitled to TR. If you have not paid your Membership fee and debt yet, we urge you to do so right away. The Secretariat is more than happy to assist you in the process if necessary.

To contact the IUSY Control Commission directly, please send an email to the Chair of the Control Commission, Roland Gúr (

  1. Resolutions and Amendments to the IUSY World Council documents

All organisations will receive the preparatory documents for the Council by the 30th of November.

Should you have amendments to these documents or should you wish to present proposals for resolutions and declarations to the Council for adoption, we kindly ask you to send these documents to the IUSY Secretariat at in advance, but no later than January 13, 2019. All IUSY member organisations can send resolutions, declarations.

From 1st of February 2019, all proposals received will be made available on the IUSY website: 

You can propose amendments to proposed resolutions/declarations/statutory amendments by the 10th of February 2019.

Proposals for Urgent Resolutions can still be presented at the Council before Friday, February 22nd at 3pm.

In the spirit of solidarity, we encourage you to submit amendments/proposals in at least two official languages of IUSY (English, French and Spanish). If you would like to contribute in helping us translate the documents in French and Spanish please get in touch with the Secretariat. Your help will be very much needed and appreciated.

  1. Important deadlines

1st deadline for registration: 16 December 2018
2nd deadline for registration: 06 January 2019
Participation fee payment:    20 January 2019
Sending resolutions, declarations, statutory amendments: 13 January 2019
Amendments to proposed documents: 10 February 2019
Urgent resolutions: 22 February, 2018 by 3pm.

  1. Contact the IUSY Secretariat
  • Phone: +43.1.523.12.67
  • Email: (we will only answer questions/requests regarding Council 2019 via this email)