By Region
- Africa
- America
- IUSY reitera su preocupación por situación actual de Venezuela
- IUSY exige justicia con el caso del joven venezolano Rufo Chacón Parada
- El gobierno de Nicaragua debe reconsiderar su postura y reanudar el diálogo en el marco de la inclusión y respeto de los DDHH
- IUSY saluda la instalación de una mesa de diálogo nacional en Venezuela
- IUSY expresses its concern about Chile’s current situation
- IUSY reiterates its concern about the current situation in Chile
- Rechazamos el golpe de Estado en Bolivia
- Situación protestas Colombia
- Asia
- IUSY Asia Pacific bares plans for 2019, passes resolutions on democracy and human rights
- Hands off the Children! IUSY urges the Philippines to drop the bill making children criminally liable
- Rainbow Rose and IUSY condemn Brunei for introducing homophobic laws
- IUSY urges for the protection of human rights of people in Jammu and Kashmir
- No to Extradition Law! IUSY supports the Hong Kong protests for democracy and human rights
- Europe
- Middle East
Per activity/body:
- Balkan Round Table
- Student Working Group
- Feminist Working Group
- Mediterranean Committee
- Black Sea Area Committee
- African Committee
- American Committee
- Asia Pacific Committee
- Study visit