No to Extradition Law! IUSY supports the Hong Kong protests for democracy and human rights

 The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) is in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong in their struggle for their civil and political rights after weeks of protest, calling for the full withdrawal of the Extradition Bill.

Civic groups critical of the bill warn that Hong Kong citizens will be subjected to mainland China’s courts despite a special autonomous status that is effective until 2047. Hong Kong citizens fear that safeguards placed in the law won’t shield people especially political activists and critics of Beijing from being extradited to China, especially political activists and critics of Beijing. There have been reported cases of abduction disappearances of people critical to the mainland government before, increasing the fear and tension felt by citizens over the proposed bill.

IUSY condemns the police brutality against the protesters. We express alarm over documented cases of abuse: the irresponsible use of tear gas in confined spaces, the serious injury to protesters with indiscriminate firing of rubber bullets, and dangerous tactics against members of the media covering the marches. We also condemn the presence of armed thugs in public stations that have attacked protesters and passengers in July. The police officers were unable to intervene in the violence, adding to the list of failure of the Hong Kong government to protect its citizens.

IUSY condemns the detention of protesters in peaceful demonstrations. It is alarming that peaceful protesters, mostly young people, are charged with cases of rioting which could subject them to 10 years of imprisonment. IUSY believes that the Hong Kong government should heed the demands of the protesters to put an end to several weeks of marches instead of filing political charges to the activists.

IUSY invokes all sides of conflict to avert violence and create a frame for equal negotiations with focus on the democratic interests of the Hong Kong people in order to come to a peaceful solution. Hong Kong is still an autonomous region from China. There is no other way than dialogue to settle the tensions without further damages.

IUSY supports the demands of the Hong Kong citizens:

1. Complete withdrawal of the extradition bill;

2. Withdraw the ‘riot’ characterisation of the June 12th protests;

3. Unconditional release of all arrested protesters;

4. Establish an independent commission of inquiry to investigate the police’s use of force in handling anti-bill protests;

5. The right to direct elections for the Hong Kong people.

Photo taken from Wikimedia commons