IUSY Queer Working Group Meeting 2021


What: Queer Working Group Meeting

When: 20-21 April 

Where: Online meeting; ZOOM platform 

Age: 18-35 years

Deadline: 18th April 12:00 CEST 


IUSY Queer working group annual meeting aims to provide young activists from member organisations with knowledge on the theme of queer issues and rights aswell as develop, skills and competences to identify and counter homophobic and transphobic attitudes in their political activismand within their organisations. 

This years’ working group meeting is recap on the work done in 2020 such as reviewing the 2ndedition of the Guideline on how to be an Ally, presenting the resolution proposal on Queer Issues and Labour Rights and have the space to discuss on queer activism and mental health. 


The COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on queer people around the world it undeniable: from social isolation, domestic abuse, higher risk of infection by being part of the risk group (HIV positive, LGBTQI elderly) to online harassment. Among these many issues that queer persons and communities continue facing there is also a huge problem connected with mental health. This is one of the topics that is not widely discussed in our societies and within our organisations. This year, we want to bring our focus on the theme of queer activism and mental health. 

Objectives of the meeting

·               to acknowledge, define and share on the topic of queer activism and mental health;

·               to present the work done in 2020: Guideline on Allyship and proposal for resolution on queer issues and labour rights;

·               to continue building a network of queer activists;

·               to engage queer activists within the working group, across the different regions. 

Facilitators of the meeting 

The working group meeting will be facilitated by Laura Loew and Ivan Puh. 

Participant’s profile

This activity is aimed towards the activists of IUSY member organisations. Please note that it is required that the participants stay for the whole duration of the activity and also to contribute to the working group after the meeting. 

Participants should: 

·               Belong to IUSY member organisation 

·               Be aged 18-35

·               Has worked in a field concerning LGBTQI issues or is interested in the field 

·               Availability to contribute to IUSY queer working group activities in future 

How to apply

Participants must apply by filling the registration form here or copy/pasting the following link: https://forms.gle/hPKkRccxME2RnvaR9

Deadline to register for the working group is 18thApril, 12:00PM CEST. 

Online Meeting

The meeting will take place online, through the online platform Zoom.

It will be in English and without any participation fee. 

Participants once confirmed their participation, will receive the programme, more detailed technical information and the link and an entry code to the meeting room.

The event will take place during 2 days for about two hours a day. 

Exact time of the meeting will be confirmed as soon as possible. Initially it will start either 1PM or 2PM CEST. 

It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other. 


iusy@iusy.org or gohar.ghandilyan@iusy.org

Hacemos un llamado al gobierno de Guatemala a escuchar las exigencias del pueblo y garantizar los Derechos Humanos

Desde la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en inglés) vemos con gran preocupación los últimos acontecimientos en Guatemala, donde la aprobación de un presupuesto por parte del congreso, el cual beneficia descomunalmente a un sector empresarial y no al pueblo ha provocado un gran descontento y de protestas en el país. 

La pobreza y los altos índices de desigualdad  social son temas de urgencia que deben ser atendidos por las autoridades en Guatemala. También, exhortamos al respeto de los derechos fundamentales de los manifestantes y asimismo, impulsar reformas a favor de la población y con mayor transparencia. 

En IUSY seguimos atentos a la situación y nos solidarizamos con las exigencias del pueblo de Guatemala.


IUSY calls the government of Guatemala to listen to the demands of the people and guarantee Human Rights.

IUSY follows the latest events in Guatemala with great concern. The Congress has approved the budget which benefits enormously a business sector and not the people of Guatemala. This has caused a great discontent and protests in the country.

Poverty and high rates of social inequality are urgent issues that must be addressed by the authorities in Guatemala. We also urge respect for the fundamental rights of protesters and promote reforms in favor of the population with greater transparency.    

IUSY remain attentive to the situation and we stand in solidarity with the demands of the Guatemalan people.

Two day virtual event on Queer Fights and Labour Issues

Dear friends, 

IUSY Queer Working Group has the pleasure to invite you to the two-day virtual event on Queer Fights and Labour Issues, which will take place on the 28th and 29th September at 13:00 CEST.

WHAT: Two-day event on Queer Fights and Labour Issues

WHEN: 28th and 29th September, at 13:00 CEST

WHERE: 28th September, IUSY Facebook page livestream 

               29th September, Zoom platform

The event will consist of two parts. 

Day 1, 28thSeptember:  Virtual talk on Queer Fights and Labour Issues with queer activists from all over the world. The talk will be livestreamed at IUSY Facebook page at 13:00 CEST. The event will be created on Facebook and shared with you in advance. 

Day 2, 29th September:  Meeting of queer activists from IUSY member organisation in Zoom platform for sharing and working on a common RESOLUTION. The meeting will take place at 13:00-15:00 CEST. 

We are planning to work together on identifying queer labour issues, showing a queer-socialist perspective to labour issues and the economic and climate crises socialism as the solution, solidarity of queer-socialists with all comrades from the socialist and queer movement in our work for a just economy for young people. 

Fill in the registration form by 28th of September, at 18:00 CEST and join the meeting. The link to join the Zoom meeting on the 29th of September will be send only to those registered. 

To fill in the registration form, please click HERE.