Invitation to Balkan Round Table Leadership Conference 2020


What: BRT Leadership Conference 

When: 24-25 June, 2020 

Time: 17:00-19:00 CEST

Where: Zoom online platform

Age: 18-35 years

Registration Deadline:  21 June, 2020


The global crisis we are facing is affecting all parts of society and changing lives. In all types of crises, from climate change to violent conflict or political instability, young people and youth-led organisations have always been the ones taking action and responding to the needs of others. The same is happening now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many young people and youth organisations are involved to address the impacts of the pandemic. 

The pandemic will have long-lasting social, cultural, economic, political and impacts on the whole of societies, including on young people. It is crucial for us to recognise the multiple and diverse impacts the COVID-19 pandemic already has and will have on young people and their rights, their inclusion and participation. 

During the meeting, we want to focus on the concerns that young people and youth organisations have in the region. We also want to share the vision for the future of youth in the region. 

What can you expect? 

We will get together for 2 days (about 2 hours per day) in an informal and formal settings. This means we will have a space to talk, to share, to support and to act. 

More details on the programme will come soon and all registered participants will be informed of the technicalities and the content of the meeting. 

The meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform. It will be in English and without any participation fee. 

It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other. 

With best regards,

                 Johanna Ortega                 Ana Pirtskhalava                          

                 IUSY President                  IUSY Secretary General                                                             

Who can apply

This activity is aimed towards the leadership of IUSY member organisations from BRT. Please note that it is required that the participants participate for the whole duration of the activity. 

Participants should:

  • Belong to IUSY member organisation
  • Be aged 18-35
  • Youth leadership of BRT organisations
  • Maximum 2 participants per organisation. Gender balance is required! 

How to apply

To apply you must complete the following form by 21stof June 2020

Contact information

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY Secretariat:

Gohar Ghandilyan 

IUSY Project Manager


Phone: +43 699 135 32 960

We are looking forward to receiving your registration and meeting you online! 

The EU-Turkey agreement it’s not the migration policy that we need!

European Union - Turkey agreement it's not the Migration policy that we need!

Today, it is one year since the deal between the European Union and Turkey on relocation of refugees came into force.

In the absence of a functional relocation scheme within the European Union, a deal was forged that would effectively push back refugees to Turkey, deemed a safe third country. There are, however, numerous reports from leading human rights organisations that Turkey is not safe for refugees (source: HRW, Amnesty International).

The European Union – Turkey deal decreased the amount of crossings along the so called Eastern Mediterranean route from Turkey to Greece. However, the number of migrants trying to reach Europe via the so called Central Mediterranean route from North Africa to Italy increased . The latter route is considerably more dangerous than the former, leading to new deadly records each year. More than 5000 migrants lost their lives in the Mediterranean in 2016  – more than any previous year. In the first two months of 2017, the death toll in the Mediterranean is already higher than in previous years. The vast majority of these victims were attempting to reach Italy (source: IOM).

One year later, we regret to note that the EU-Turkey deal has worsened the already dire situation of thousands of displaced persons. Furthermore, deals modeled on the EU-Turkey deal with even less stable countries, like Libya and several countries in North Africa, threaten to lock up vulnerable people in inhumane situations. We, therefore, demand the following:

1. The urgent implementation of a functional framework for the resettlement of refugees in the European Union. The size of the quotas must reflect the actual needs of protection of asylum seekers.

2. Sufficient support to countries of entry, in particular Greece and Italy, to ensure decent living conditions for refugees and the resources needed to expediently process asylum applications.

3. The abolishment of the Dublin-II regulation and an end to the nationalization of asylum policy in general.

4. The constitution of a European Agency for Asylum and Migration responsible for the examining of asylum applications. This agency has the responsibility to coordinate the national asylum agencies, increase the efficiency and grant for the rights of refugees by consistently applying existing European standards.

5. The creation of more legal channels of migration in order to save lives and reduce human trafficking by all EU Member States to commonly introducing a “humanitarian visa system” allowing refugees to enter the EU territory legally, and thus be able to seek asylum on humanitarian grounds upon arrival. The adoption of common criteria for these visas, and the enabling of asylum seekers to apply to all of the EU countries in any EU embassy by creating a common asylum policy at European level.

6. The revoking of the EU-Turkey deal and the halting of plans for other similar deals with third countries, such as with Libya, until there are guarantees that all agreements with third countries comply with the international humanitarian legal obligations of EU member states. The EU to work together to even out the differences in financial responsibility of member states in managing the external border in order to make sure that no country feel that it is necessary to outsource border control to non-EU countries.

7. The allocation of sufficient resources to the Asylum and Migration Fund, which will include the former asylum and refugee funds, in the EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. The EU to ensure that the EU external aid priorities and fundings are coherent with the ones of the Asylum and Migration fund.


EFAy – European Free Alliance Youth
IFLRY – International Federation of Liberal Youth
IUSY – International Union of Socialist Youth
JEF – Young European Federalists
LYMEC – European Liberal Youth
YDE – Young Democrats for Europe
YEL – Youth of the European Left
YES – Young European Socialists
FYEG – Federation of Young European Greens