students rights
Global Seminar 2020: (Post)pandemic Political Education and Youth Work

Dear friends and comrades,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the forthcoming Global Seminar 2020.
The Global Seminar 2020 will gather together IUSY member organisationsfrom all over the world to meet and share the challenges young people and youth organisations have been facing since the beginning of the pandemic.
Two-day Seminar will be a space for sharing our realities from different thematic perspectives. We will try to make this event as dynamic as possible with the elements of panel discussion, contribution of guest speakers and group work.
Together we will imagine and map the recommendations for young people and youth organisations having youth work and political education in their agenda.
As in 2019, this year we again cooperate and create our programme with the International Federation of Liberal Youth (ILFRY). This event will be a joint Global Seminar bringing both organisations and activists together.
The aim of the Seminar will be to provide to the Member Organisations and to the SSU representatives a platformto discuss and come up with recommendation on how we can battle the shrinking spaces of democracy and imagine a post pandemic space for political education and youth work.
A secondary aim is also to strengthen collaboration with IFLRY on topics that we agree on. The seminar will be an opportunity for us to learn and reflect upon new ideas and partnerships in our work for a fairer and more equal world.
For any questions or remarks please don’t hesitate to contact the IUSY Secretariat at iusy@iusy.org.
With best regards,
Johanna Ortega Ana Pirtskhalava
IUSY President IUSY Secretary General
Participation Profile & Selection Process
Each member organisation may register up to one participant for the meeting.
The selection criteria will be based on
1. The questions listed in the application form
2. Gender Balance (both IUSY statutes and the global project require gender balance)
3. Regional Balance
Participants must be able to attend the entire programme of the seminar.
It’s preferable that participants have an interest in workers rights, trade unions and decent working conditions.
All participants must be aged 18-35 years old, with no exceptions.
How to apply
Participants must apply by filling in the registration form that you can find here
OR copy paste it to your browser: https://forms.gle/yEQcmWPrfgdnzVVa9
Deadline for registration is 1st of November 12:00pm CET.
Selected participants will receive the programme, the link to join the event and the technical information in advance.
iusy@iusy.org/ +4369913532960