IUSY and YES condemn the ongoing attacks in the Parliament of F.Y.R. of Macedonia!

Macedonia attacks to the members of the Parliament

International Union of Socialist Youth and Young European Socialists are in the strongest manner condemning the ongoing attacks on Member of the Parliaments in the Parliament of F.Y.R. of Macedonia!

We call upon the immediate and joint response from the international community to act with all its power to put an end to the violence and ensure that democracy will be allowed to runs its course peacefully.

The elected parliamentary majority must be respected according to the principles of democracy and allowed to form a government without these severe crimes against democracy.

We stand firmly with our brothers and sisters in SDSM, and support and recognise the parliamentary majority’s election of the new speaker of parliament Talat Xhaferi.


Deadline for applications extended to the 20th March



We would want to inform you about the availability to apply for becoming coordinator for the following working groups:


– Feminist Working Group

– LGBT Working Group

– Student Working Group

– Pool of Trainers Working Group


The coordinators main role is to plan (together with the IUSY presidium) and conduct the work of the working group. The Coordinators will have a close contact with appointed Vice Presidents who will be responsibility for the groups and the coordinators will also be invited to the IUSY Presidium meetings. However, IUSY will not be able to provide any travel reimbursement for the coordinators for the presidium meetings.


To apply for becoming coordinator you should send us:


1. Letter of motivation where you describe why you are interested and your ambitions for the working group you want to coordinate. Furthermore, we would also like you to provide us with your previous engagement in the area of interest, since we would very much be interested in previous experience on the fields.


2. Nomination letter from your national organization.


Deadline for application is set for 20th March. Send your application to iusy@iusy.org. **Please share widely**