Statement by the NSF

IUSY is publishing an important statement by the National Salvation Front (NSF) of Egypt about the political struggle taking place there. The NSF is a coalition of parties oppossed to the Morsi government.

Cairo February 2, 2013

Yesterday the Egyptian people and the whole world witnessed the violence around the Presidential Palace, which coincided with successive statements of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood accusing the Egyptian people, the peaceful revolutionary forces, and the National Salvation Front of inciting violence.

Those statements revealed the aggressive intentions toward the people and the national opposition forces, which was confirmed yesterday by the unjustified exercise of brutal violence. A repetition of the December 5, 2012 incidences in the vicinity of the Presidential Palace by the Muslim Brotherhood militias, after which hundreds have been detained and were subjected to torture.

The brutality of stripping an unarmed man naked and dragging him by the Egyptian police is an inhuman act that involves unacceptable humiliation and is not less horrible than the assassination of his fellow martyrs. The continuation of the excessive brutality resulted in the death of more than 70 Egyptian citizens over the course of last week.

The NSF confirms the following:

1 – The NSF will fully align to the demands of the Egyptian people calling to topple the regime of tyranny and domination of the Muslim Brotherhood. The NSF supports all forms of peaceful protesting to achieve these demands, and calls for the Egyptians to rally peacefully in all the streets of Egypt in defense of the Egyptian dignity.

2 – Impartial judicial investigation in the killings, torture, detention without right, and a fair trial for all those responsible starting by the President, his interior minister and all his partners in those crimes.

3 – The need to end the suffering of the Egyptian citizens. Poverty and soaring prices are the result of the failing policies that do not meet the aspiration of the Egyptians to real social justice.

4 – The NSF will not engage in a dialogue until the blood baths has stopped, those responsible for it are tried, and the previously stated demands are met.

Long Live Egyptians’ struggle to complete their peaceful revolution and achieve their demands to live in freedom and social justice and human dignity.