IUSY calls for immediate releasing of Fateh youth President in Palestine Comrade Hassan Faraj and all Palestinian political prisoners

Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President arrested in Palestine

It is with deep concern that IUSY learns of the arrest of our comrade Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth president, in Palestine, in the early hours of Friday, 12th of January 2018.

Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth president, was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces at the entrance of the city of Bethlehem while participating at the peaceful demonstrations against the Israeli expansion of illegal settlements and the continuation of the Israeli occupation violations of human rights in Palestine.

While the political situation between the Palestine and Israel has escalated in the past weeks, IUSY firmly believes in a two-state solution as the only solution to the crisis as has been widely endorsed by the International Community.

It is in this light that we demand the immediate release of comrade Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President, and all Palestinian political prisoners in the Israeli jails.

We affirm our full support to the peaceful popular struggle of the Palestinian people in their fair quest for freedom and justice.

We hereby call on our Member Organisations and the International Community of States to take direct measures in order to end the more than 50 years occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

We further call on our Member Organisations to raise their voices against all human rights violations by Israel against the Palestinian people.