The JSD celebrates the adoption of a new constitution in Tunisia

Tunisia has celebrated yesterday the 26th of January 2014 the vote on its new constitution, a constitution which founds the basis of the Second Republic after two years of hard continous work under the dome of the National Constituent Assembly.

The constitution has been ratified after a first reading with 200 voices “for”, 12 votes “against” and 4 abstentions. The ratification of the constitution with such an important majority of MP’s votes shows that consensus and moderation were the watchword of the Tunisian transition to democracy process.

Our constitution is the result of the struggles of free Tunisian young people which started with the national movement for independence, continued with the building of the First Republic and eventually with its different uprisings against the dictatorship, whether in the students movement or popular protests.

Tunisian youth fought in all historical steps which built modern Tunisia and succeeded in changing our public life by committing in political parties and engaging in civil society associations. We will continue to struggle for the values of democracy, freedom, social justice and gender equality.

Socialist Democratic Youth (JSD) celebrates young people’s role in establishing Tunisia after revolution and:

  • Pay tribute to all members of the National Constituent Assembly who succeeded to write democracy, progressive and equality values in the Constitution
  • Express pride to all its activists who work hard to saw the seeds of social democracy in the Tunisian society, and participated in all steps of the Tunisian revolution.
  • Call Tunisia’s daughters and sons to get more involved in the public life to defend their causes, the causes of the next generations and to continue the causes initiated by the previous generations.
  • Congratulate the youth of world on the success of a revolution lead by the youth who believes in democracy and fought for its principles
  • Send a hope message to all youth of the world and calls socialist democrats youth organizations to unite in order to fight for just causes and spread values of freedom, equality and solidarity.

Long life to Tunisian youth struggles!
Long life to Tunisia, independent, free and democratic!