Arab Social Democratic Forum founded

IUSY is pleased to announce the formation of the Arab Social Democratic Forum, organized in Cairo on 20 January 2013.


Cairo 20/1/2013

Following the successful inauguration of the Arab Social Democratic Forum (ASDF) in Cairo on January 20, 2013, the organisation committee (Egyptian Social Democratic Party, Fatah Organisation, and Ettakotol Party) called for a meeting of all parties from the Arab world to discuss future steps. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the below mentioned parties and chaired by Dr. Husam Zomlot

Arab parties welcomed the inauguration of the forum considering the event to be historic, marking a new era of cooperation at a party level. The parties agreed on the following for the purpose of organising future meetings and follow up outcome

  • To form a coordination committee consisting of all nine parties and open to all other social democratic parties in the Arab world
  • The organisation committee is assigned to communicate with members of the coordinating committee
  • To develop the political framework and the organizational structure of the ASDF by Mala Bakhtiar, PUK and Hussein Gohar, ESDP respectively to be proposed and distributed among all members of the coordination committee for feedback.
  • To hold the next meeting of the coordination committee in Morocco within 3 months to discuss and approve the bylaws and statutes
  • To start working on the women and youth divisions of the ASDF
  • ASDF shall convene annually

ESDP, Egypt // Fatah Organisation, Palestine // Ettakatol Party, Tunisia // FFS, Algeria // PUK, Iraq // JSDP, Jordan // PSP, Lebanon // USFP, Morocco // PNI, Palestine

Hamdeen Sabbahy (former Egyptian presidential candidate) couldn’t attend the meeting, however he endorsed the inauguration and is part of the coordination committee.