The European Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth calls for the protection of Doñana’s Natural Park

The European Committee of International Union of Socialist Youth calls for the protection of Doñana’s Natural Park, as well as other European parks that face the same issues, as a generational duty.

The Doñana Natural Park, located in southern Spain, is one of the most valuable ecosystems of European biodiversity. This environment is home to unique and seriously endangered species, as well as a transit, breeding and wintering enclave for a significant number of European and African birds.

The situation caused by the climate emergency and the irresponsible attitude of political forces of the Spanish right and extreme right are generating an ecological disaster in a space classified as a priority by national and international legislation. The deterioration suffered by the national park could be irreversible for the rich biodiversity that they host and that is disappearing at a forced march, as denounced by the scientific community.

The Doñana Park houses an aquifer of 2409 square km, essential to maintain the lagoons of this natural space. Irrigation has increased by more than 30% in less than 10 years, with a large percentage of illegal and unauthorised water collections. Consequently, the proliferation of more than 1,000 illegal wells in the aquifer is overexploiting the reserves and accelerating the disappearance of a large number of flora and fauna, generating the elimination of amphibians, native turtles, insects, fish, and aquatic plants.

The popular party (EPP) and Vox (European Conservative and Reformist Party) have approved in the regional parliament of Andalusia (Spain) to regularize and institutionalize this unsustainable practice and expand the irrigated area with the terrible consequences that will further deepen the problem. The CSIC, WWF, the Government of Spain and the European Commission have questioned this new legislative reform that threatens the ecological balance of an environment declared a World Heritage Site and recognized internationally.

For all these reasons, from the European Committee meeting of IUSY in Berlin on April 20, 21 and 22, 2023 we demand:

1. That the Andalusian regional government stop this bill that is harmful to European biodiversity and only responds to the lack of commitment in the fight against the climate emergency that we are already suffering.

2. That the European Commission and the Government of Spain protect the environment of Doñana, as well as other European important spaces for the environment, with more actions, making impossible future laws aimed at destroying a very important reserve for the continent.

3. That our organizations intensify awareness of the climate emergency and the duty to protect biodiversity as a generational task.

The Praia-Maria Declaration

Cidade de Praia, Cabo Verde, 18th March 2023
IUSY African Committee Meeting 2023
Democracy in Africa

1. Years ago, the world believed that democratic prospects in Africa were limited. That was the stereotype known about the continent given the low level of economic development, the lack of good governance, the absence of strong nation-states, and the inexistence of a long history of social and political transformation.

2. However, beginning in the late of eighteenths, a wave of popular protests demanding democratic reforms swept the continent. Within a couple of years, virtually all the countries started aspiring to democratise their own Constitutions.

3. Since then, Africans have shown consistently that they strongly prefer and support democratic rule. At the same time, democratic institutions such as electoral commissions and constitutional courts have taken root on the continent. These developments suggest that the question of the feasibility of democracy in Africa is no longer relevant.

4. Nonetheless, the existence of democratic demands, support, and institutions does not mean that democracy is easy to establish and consolidate. In many African countries, democratic gains are reversible and face several hindering factors, including state weakness, autocratic mindset, unstable and divided civic and political organisations, conflicts , civil wars, occupation and paternalism subordination, as well as the absence of the alteration of power and the absolute hereditary rule. This is why the level and quality of democracy on the African continent vary dramatically from country to country and from one region to another.

5. Unfortunately, over the past years the African continent has experienced a regression in democratic values. The IUSY African Committee (AFC) acknowledges the current factors leading to this event, yet demands continent’s leaderships to be determined in the pursuance in the establishment of full and transparent democratic rule all over the region.

6. The IUSY AFC stresses the importance of democratic transitions and the respect of the popular will as a key pillar to protect the common and public interest of the people. The past decades experience in African countries have showed that reducing the powers of parliaments and elected democratic institutions, while strengthening the executive and legislative powers of presidential figures, have resulted in less scrutiny and less transparency in the pursuit of the liberation movements’ proclaimed values and sustainable development goals.

7. While remaining convinced that democracy acts as the best system to defend minorities and the underprivileged, many of the leaderships have failed young Africans. Continued repression of civil society, systematic violation of human rights and continued nepotism, coupled with illegitimate and recurring coups d’état have caused a migratory exodus and constant insecurity on the continent.

8. Thus, the fight against corruption, the respect for individual property, the implementation of public policies for the emancipation of youth, as well as the promotion of dialogue and negotiated agreements to put an end to armed conflicts should be urgent priorities of the African progressive youth leadership.

9. While having more than 60% of the population under 25 years-old and over 50% of the continents’ population being women, Africa’s leadership average age is above 60 years-old and male dominant. This means that not only the door of representation is closed to young people and women, but that underrepresentation of the majorities – the main purpose of the Republics – is a widespread problem in african societies. Not only for this, but because equality is a core value of socialism, social democracy and labour movements, it is crucial and urgent to invert this scenario and to promote young women leadership – not only in terms of participation but in direct and effective top-leading positions.

10. On the other hand, clearly being a consequence of the continents’ lack of representation in Africa’s most powerful institutions for cooperation, poverty and insecurity remain a challenge of this century.

11. Young African socialists believe that only through education and strong welfare systems can poverty and insecurity finally be eradicated. For this, transparency and good governance, allied to the sovereign independence of African economies and institutions, are not recommended but essential and indispensable behavior according to the socialist, humanist and progressive code of conduct.

12. To eradicate poverty in the decade to come, Africa’s food system shall be leveraged to accelerate poverty reduction, on and off the farm. At the same time, more financial resources need to be allocated to poverty-reducing programs with an integral and sustainable framework.

13. Bearing in mind the dimension of the current challenges, failing to execute transparent public policies, to defend civic rights and or to promote free and tolerant societies, is failing to socialism and the roots of liberation movements and leaders.

14. When it comes to the most eminent challenges of the youth, representing the majority of the continent, the absence of conditions associated to the lack of opportunities has had a direct impact on the lack of effective participation of young people in Africa’s consultative and decision- making process.

15. Current policies fail to match youth’s aspiration, what is easily understood by the absence of young voices in the centers of power and authority. As stated before, and coupled to the misrepresentation, lack of transparency in electoral processes lead to the deficiency of confidence in the system, showing another proof that democracy remains a dead letter.

16. At the same time, political and economic instability remains the core cause that leads to migration and reluctance to believe in a better future in the continent. Human rights violations of young activists have the impact to limit their participation in any practical act toward democratic change, while discouraging others to take the reins of transformation.

17. The systematic exclusion and marginalisation of the youth goes beyond the issue of economic opportunities and employment and prevents their productive integration in society, thus adding effective accountability to current power brokers in Africa.

For all the above stated, the International Union of Socialist Youth demands urgent action such as:

  1. The promotion of a 50% gender-balance quota in all the young member organisations of the IUSY as well as in their mother parties;
  2. The establishment of a 40% quota representation of young people in all decision-making bodies of the parties;
  3. The creation of a regional umbrella organisation for the African youth-wing socialist parties that act according the IUSY’s principles;
  4. The implementation of democratic and constitutional order in all countries of the continent;
  5. The condemnation of the Swaziland’s regime, the last absolute monarchy in Africa, Equatorial Guinea and Congo Brazzaville regime by
    the international community
    , the IUSY’s member organisations, the parties of the Socialist International and the Progressive Alliance. Such shall be reflected on a common letter to the Human Rights Department of the African Union Commission, to the Office of the United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights and to the International Court of Justice.

The Praia-Maria declaration was signed in Praia, Cabo Verde, on the 18th of March, by the following members oft he International Union of Socialist Youth:

  1. JPAI Cape Verde
  2. CPDS Ecuatorial Guinea
  3. ANCYL South Africa
  4. MNJ Adéma-PASJ Mali
  5. LJCC Congo
  6. UJSARIO Western Sahara
  7. JUSFP Morocco
  8. MLPC Central Africa
  9. UNJ MPP Burkina Faso
  10. UDPS D.R. Congo
  11. SWAYOCO Swaziland
  12. JSD Tunisia

Challenges of Security in the Western Balkan region

Meeting of the Balkan Round Table Organisations ; 3-5.03.2023
The Podgorica Declaration

IUSY member organizations from the BRT Committee gathered in Podgorica from 3 to 5 March 2023, to discuss the topic “Challenges of security in the Western Balkan region“.

Western Balkans are an important partner to all the world and European powers, due to its geostrategic position. Precisely for this reason, as well as because of the specific history that this region has, and the new circumstances caused by the war in Ukraine, the states of WB are facing different influences and security challenges. 

The topic of security have been always, but especially now important for maintaining peace and stability in the region and among the top priorities of our countries. Security policy of Western Balkans has in­creasingly come into focus since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has become a security threat across Europe, including the Western Balkans, where there are still open conflicts that could follow the “Ukrainian scenario” and create problems. 

Bearing in mind that in the long term we should foster all processes of reconciliation, resolving current disputes and forgetting the wounds of the past is a top priority and demands urgent action.

Therefore, it is important to act immediately and to guarantee security in the region, reduce existing tensions (mostly of ethnic or religious character) and promote stability. This process shall include three key stakeholders who play an especially active role: (1) the neighboring countries in the region, (2) the international community and the EU, (3) the young people from the region. 

Youth participation in the prevention and resolution of disputes is essential for building sustainable peace.  As young political leaders closest to the youth in our countries,  we believe that young people have a key role in dealing with conflicts and contributing to solutions, because on the other hand they are the ones most affected by the conflicts themselves. For this reason, the IUSY member organisations of the Balkan Round Table are committing to initiate the process of implementation of political and civic education in the respective educational systems of the Western Balkan countries.  

For us as young leaders, it is very important that people in our region start to feel safe, to trust in the state and its institutions and that the stability of the system is restored. It is important to mention that this is actually one of the main reasons that influence the decisions of young people to stay living here, or to continue their life abroad.

In the 21st century, it must be a priority for all of us to preserve peace and stability, to lead a policy that will bring prosperity and economic development to our countries and meet their goals of advancing on the European path. The EU must stop neglecting the Western Balkans and use the geopolitical moment to accelerate the accession process of the countries of the region.

IUSY condemns Azerbaijan’s continuous policy of ethnic cleansing perpetrated against the Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Since the 12th of December 2022, Azerbaijani so-called environmentalists blocked the only highway, known as the Lachin Corridor, connecting Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to the outside world. Many of these “protesters” have been identified as members of the Azerbaijani military and government posing as civilians.

The Lachin corridor serves as a vital lifeline which connects Nagorno-Karabakh with the Republic of Armenia and the only way to supply Artsakh with basic needs. Moreover, starting on 13 December Azerbaijan shut off the gas supply to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) during freezing winter temperatures.

The Azerbaijani blockade has created a humanitarian disaster, stopping food and medical supplies and desperately needed medical care from reaching the region. At the same time, Azerbaijan is repeatedly violating the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020, namely its obligation to guarantee the secure movement of citizens, vehicles, and cargo in both directions through the corridor. These acts will inevitably lead to serious humanitarian consequences and undermine the fragile peace in the region. 

Since the 44-day War in the latter part of 2020, Azerbaijani authorities have carried out policies aimed at ethnic cleansing Artsakh of the native Armenian population, using various methods, including military provocations and psychological terror. The current provocation is clearly a manifestation of that policy.

These actions, targeting civilians, highlight the plight of the indigenous Armenian population to secure their fundamental human rights and self-determination within their homeland.

IUSY strongly condemns the ethnic cleansing policies by Azerbaijan against the indigenous Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and its violations of the trilateral declaration of 9 November 2020.

IUSY calls the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally cease the blockade of the Lachin corridor.

IUSY calls on the international community and its international partners to take concrete measures to immediately and unconditionally end the blockade of the Lachin corridor and ensure that these incidents will not be repeated in the future.

IUSY supports and recognizes the right to self-determination of the indigenous  Armenian population of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

IUSY calls for the international recognition of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to ensure the fundamental rights of the indigenous Armenian people of Artsakh in order to stop ethnic cleansing.


Nowadays, the world faces different types of international and local conflicts. There are currently more than 40 international conflicts around the globe that are shaping today’s synergies.  Across all continents, the world is now facing an unprecedented scenario where the post-World War II multilateral institutions play a decisive role.

The members of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) believe that in the peaceful process of dispute settlement, the younger generation, intercultural dialogues, and solidarity among them do have key roles. For that reason, the IUSY Congress 2021 approved the implementation of the Peace Thematic Network (PTN). 

Since that decision, IUSY Presidium has decided to involve Member organisations in the network’s approach and to choose a local coordinator, to guarantee the sustainability and development of the Network in the future years. As such, the Network’s aim is to organise international events that should be joined by representatives of conflict parties and experts, guests, and civic sectors to discuss the peace process and to raise awareness among young members of the IUSY parties. 

Georgian Dream hosted the opening project of the Peace Thematic Network in Tbilisi from 20-23 September 2022. The three-day visit of IUSY included official meetings with the speaker of the Parliament, and Municipal representatives of Tbilisi and with Georgian Dream Party leadership. During panel discussions, the PTN covered regional challenges, the importance of peace and future steps of the network. 

The participants visited the conflict area in Shida Kartli region where, even 14 years after the 2008 war the occupation continues. Unfortunately, the 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement has continued to be violated by the Russian Federation. 

We, young representatives of IUSY member organisations present in Tbilisi, reiterate the call on the imperialist Russian Federation to stop its interference in regional stability and to end its illegal invasion and war in Ukraine. 

Secondly, we highlight the importance of the 12 August Ceasefire Agreement fulfilment by the Russian Federation in Georgia. As such, the IUSY will further foster advocacy campaigns for the respect of international law in Georgian territories.

Moreover, the Peace Thematic Network emphasises the need for peaceful resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict according to the OSCE Minsk Group principles, as well as reiterates its support for the territorial integrity of Armenia.

The PTN also received information about the current socio-political situation in Nicaragua under the dictatorship of Daniel Ortega. The country’s institutions are deeply under attack due to the permanent interference of powers and authorities. And, until today, more than 190 opponents of Ortega’s regime have been imprisoned. Finally, more than 200,000 Nicaraguans had fled to Costa Rica and Honduras since the beginning of Ortega’s dictatorship in 2018.

The Peace Thematic Network will further develop all possible work for the establishment of the IUSY Political School for Peace and Democracy under the scope of United Nations Democracy programs.

Furthermore, future hosts should be encouraged to engage with all interested parties in the conflict to participate in any event related to the Peace Thematic Network. 


It’s been 2 years since one of the world’s largest ever non-nuclear explosions ripped through Lebanon’s capital, killing more than 200 people, including at the port and further afield, with some 6,500 injured, 300,000 people had been made temporarily homeless; entire neighbourhoods of the Lebanese capital were devastated. Based on an analysis of videos, a team from the University of Sheffield estimated that the explosion was the equivalent of 1,000 to 1,500 tonnes of TNT – about a 10th of the intensity of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

Judge Tarek Bitar, is a Lebanese judge and the head of Beirut’s criminal court, is the second judge investigating the devastating Beirut port explosion. Because of the political affiliations, interference in the judicial system, and lack of accountability, Lebanon was never able to reach to peace and justice regarding any case, not only the catastrophic Beirut port explosion. Meanwhile, the investigation into the causes of the explosion has been held up for months due to political interference. Therefore, we demand to take this investigation into another level away from the Lebanese judicial system.

The tragedy continues to bring back severe memories to the Lebanese people. A section of Beirut’s massive port grain silos, shredded in the 2020 explosion, collapsed in a huge cloud of dust on Sunday after a weekslong fire, triggered by grains that had fermented and ignited in the summer heat. The northern block of the silos collapsed after what sounded like an explosion, kicking up thick gray dust that enveloped the iconic structure and the port next to a residential area. It was not immediately clear if anyone was injured.

The International Union of Socialist Youth strongly condemns the Lebanese authorities that promised a swift investigation; and instead they have brazenly blocked and stalled justice at every turn, despite a tireless campaign for justice and criminal accountability by survivors and families of victims.

IUSY calls to immediately end the violence against the Lebanese people and bring justice to the martyr’s families. IUSY calls on the United Nations to act decisively and urges for the establishment of an International and independent investigation to this act and enforce the rule of law in Lebanon.

Following up to this statement we will be launching our petition in the next couple of days to push for an international independent investigation on the second anniversary of the Beirut port explosion.

IUSY calls on all the sides involved to continue the political processes in a peaceful manner and in accordance with law.

IUSY values the commitment of basic human rights, dignity and freedoms. Democracy, the rule of law and justice must be defended at all times.

Social Justice after the Pandemic


We live in a time where the class society is getting bigger with each passing day. The time before the pandemic was already severe for young and marginalized groups in Europe. The effects have therefore also hit these groups hardest, not least those who were already economically oppressed.It is a heavy reality and the hope for a future and the possibility of a good life is incredibly low. It is a failure for which politics must take responsibility. Europe must be a place for young and marginalized groups to be able to grow and free themselves from inequality. But for this to be possible, class divisions and injustices must be stopped. This can only happen with a progressive policy where solidarity and equality are given priority. That is why we want to see an EU that takes responsibility for the aftermath caused by the pandemic, but also for the challenges that already existed before the pandemic. 

IUSY wants to see an EU that really prioritizes young people. Social injustice is a major problem for young people. In several EU countries, there are tax laws that cause division and economic inequality. That kind of tax system needs to be stopped. Flat tax is unacceptable as it provides great benefits to already rich people while those who are poor have to bear the great cost to society.

Young people in the labor market are all too often exploited by rogue employers. this is not least noticeable among industries in the gig economy. The pay gap between men and women is also a major problem and must disappear. Regardless of who you are, you should be entitled to the same salary for the same work. Anything else is unacceptable.

Mental illness among young people is a major public health problem in the EU. The numbers of suicides have increased in connection with the pandemic. It’s a problem. As a young person, you should have the right to care for your mental illness. It should not be your wallet that decides if you can get help. That is why the EU must work for policies that prioritize the well-being of young people.

Conditions for parental leave must also be equal. Today, unfortunately, the reality for young parents is not equal. In some EU countries, women are discriminated against by the system. They are forced into parental leave through rules on compulsory maternity leave. This creates a backlog for the woman which means that she is forced into a financial dependence on the man. not least, her opportunity for a good pension is affected. Parental leave must be equal and possible for both parents to take.

The housing situation is perhaps the industry where class society is most evident. The possibility of a good home for a young person is very low. The prices for rent are far too high and the efforts to buy are only for rich people. We want to see the EU create opportunities for banks to lend money to young people with favorable interest rates and low fees. You should not be forced to live just to survive. The social democratic idea is that the individual should be freed from oppression, therefore it is important that the interests of young people are prioritized in the housing market in Europe.

Statement on Ukraine

The IUSY European Committee once again condemns Russia’s unprovoked invasion and war in Ukraine. We strongly condemn Putin’s violations against human rights as well as international and territorial integrity. We note with bitterness that, in particular, the west’s appeasement policies and impunity towards Russia in the previous years paved the way for these aggressions.

This war is not only against the Ukrainian people but also an attack on the law based international system. It is an attack on our core values of freedom and democracy.The bombing of civilians and non-military infrastructure is terror against the Ukrainian people. Helpless civilians are exposed to human rights violations by brutal acts like in Bucha, Mariupol, Borodyanka and other cities. The international community is responsible for the protection against any violence of human lives and refugees such as human trafficking. 

In times of multiple crisis in the world and in Europe, the social justice, security and safety in the EU and its neighborhood is endangered. Its is therefore vital that young perspectives are heard and discussed. We as the young generation in Europe cannot let Putins and other autocrats  tyrannize our generation. We cannot let the feeling of hopelessness and economical dependencies to form our way of course of action. Each and every human being live needs to be ensured in dignity, freedom and peace.

It is now all the more crucial that Europe and the European Union defines a path for a common and binding security policy, which recognizes the needs of all states in the region. This includes nuclear-weapon  disarmament. For an all-encompassing security policy, a sustainable new green energy in the neighborhood and less energy dependency must be strengthened.

European Union and its partners  need to prove and defend its common values in order to guarantee young and future generations a peaceful and just Europe. Today it is also all the more important to strengthen the European neighborhood.

The IUSY European Committee therefore demands direct support for the Ukraine, more resources for  humanitarian aid and further econonomical sanctions on Russia such as:

  • Full boycott of oil/gas from Russia and pulling out all investments from Russian companies
  • European wide coordinated, state led system for a fair refugee distribution in cooperation with UN and UNHCR
  • Set up of social/health system registration
  • Set up of system for human trafficking prevention 
  • decisive action against russian propaganda and european wide education in and on social networks
  • immediate banning of Russia from international sports.

As socialists and social democrats from all of Europe we are particularly committed to the future of young Ukrainians. We therefore demand to provide them all necessary  means in order to help building a future and perspective, especially with regard to creating opportunities for recognition and of complementation of degrees by Ukrainian pupils and students. Furthermore, every state should be committed to provide options for fast track complementary courses if necessary.

Peace is only possible through a real and honest dialogue. The IUSY European Committee therefore calls on the European Union and Commission to push forward to further negotiations and above all an immediate ceasefire and real humanitarian corridors to prevent further innocent civilians from death. We ask both forces to be committed to peace and demand justice to strike on the war-criminals at the human-rights court in Den-Haag.  

Therefore, and according to the outputs of the European Committee that gathered in Genova, Italy, dozens of young socialist leaders of Europe, IUSY commits, according to its possibilities, to:

  • Promote a special campaign to advocate for a single european hotline to help Ukrainian refugees fleeing from Ukraine;
  • Visit Ukraine with comrades of member organisation SMS;
  • Further develop the work on the post-covid mental illnesses impact on youth.

Declaración Final Comité Americano IUSY 2021 “Democracia y Migración: El Rol de las fuerzas progresistas de las Américas ante sus retos y perspectivas”

El Comité Americano de la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas –IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés- se reunió los días 26 y 27 de noviembre del año 2021 de manera híbrida en la Ciudad de México, México, siendo la organización anfitriona las Juventudes de Izquierda del Partido de la Revolución Democrática. La instancia tuvo como objetivo principal dialogar en torno a la crisis democrática y migratoria que afecta a las Américas, así como el rol de las fuerzas progresistas, socialdemócratas y del socialismo democrático para analizar y trazar hojas de ruta ante estos retos y sus perspectivas. 

La democracia en América posee muchos pendientes que deben ser atendidos por las fuerzas políticas presentes. Como IUSY, ratificamos nuestro compromiso con la democracia, entendiendo que esta se encuentra enlazada a otros tres elementos inseparables y encadenados entre sí: los derechos humanos, la seguridad y el desarrollo.

En el continente enfrentamos una constante regresión que afecta a la democracia; vemos con temor cómo los derechos humanos parecieran ser reversibles. La población ha sufrido violaciones a sus derechos humanos por protestar ante los problemas sociales y económicos acentuados por la pandemia, la población migrante ha sufrido de violencia al buscar mejores oportunidades y al escapar de escenarios de pobreza, inseguridad, terror y narcotráfico, e incluso la clase trabajadora ha padecido por la proliferación de las agendas neoliberales que reducen sus derechos y propician condiciones de explotación, vulneración y precariedad. 

De esta manera, pese a las restricciones sanitarias derivadas de la pandemia del Covid-19, con cierres de aeropuertos, fronteras y límites a la movilidad, la migración ha ido en aumento. Como IUSY refrendamos nuestra convicción de que migrar es un derecho humano, más aún en contextos de crisis social que han llevado a una migración forzada, impulsada por la inestabilidad política, las crisis económicas, la violencia y la inseguridad. A estos factores tradicionales, vemos que los efectos del cambio climático han azotado de especial manera a nuestro continente, convirtiéndose en un factor expulsor de personas, como el estrés hídrico, el aumento del nivel del mar, la contaminación de los suelos, entre otros. 

En este escenario las mujeres, jóvenes, pueblos indígenas y la población LGBTTTIQ+ han quedado en una especial condición de precarización y de vulnerabilidad, ante una política androcéntrica, patriarcal, pensada desde la centralidad del poder, destructora de la naturaleza y discriminadora.

El Comité Americano se manifiesta a favor de medidas que protejan, ayuden y den soluciones a las personas en movilidad humana. Estamos en contra de las violaciones sistemáticas a los derechos humanos de las personas migrantes, en especial de las poblaciones vulnerables, en su tránsito por nuestra región. Apelamos a la solidaridad internacional y la promoción del espíritu de unidad entre las personas, los pueblos, los Estados y las organizaciones internacionales para hacer frente a esta crisis que nos atañe a todas, todos y todes. 

Debe articularse una fuerza internacional para proteger y defender los derechos de todas las personas en movimiento sea cual fuere su condición, apoyando a los países de acogida e incluyendo a las personas refugiadas y migrantes en los servicios públicos esenciales.

Refrendamos nuestros valores de justicia social y democracia para garantizar la participación de todas las personas porque creemos en la posibilidad de la acción colectiva para impulsar a las juventudes como agentes de cambio para alcanzar la libertad e igualdad, estando en contra del autoritarismo, del populismo y la dictadura; por el derecho a la autodeterminación y la libertad de expresión de todos los pueblos.

La profundización de la democracia debe ser bastión de lucha para todas las fuerzas políticas de la socialdemocracia, del progresismo y del socialismo democrático, las cuales, deben combatir la privatización y reducción del Estado, combatir la xenofobia y toda forma de discriminación, condenar las agendas neoliberales y las alianzas políticas de organizaciones de izquierda que contribuyan a profundizar estas condiciones que deterioran y amenazan la democracia.

Sobre este marco general de discusión las organizaciones políticas que forman parte del Comité Americano de IUSY están llamados a reflexionar y analizar críticamente sobre estos escenarios y las realidades que atraviesa el continente, para responder de manera efectiva a las problemáticas y necesidades apremiantes de la sociedad, en especial de sus juventudes. 

●     México 

México enfrenta una crisis de violencia de género, política y democrática, de seguridad y ambiental que se ha visto enormemente agravada por la pandemia del COVID19, por el debilitamiento institucional y por la inoperancia de la administración en turno. 

La violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas es una de las violaciones de los derechos humanos más graves en nuestro país, siendo motivo de vergüenza y un obstáculo para el desarrollo. Respaldamos al movimiento feminista nacional e internacional y decimos “Ni una asesinada más”.  

Asimismo, rechazamos las amenazas contínuas hacia periodistas, activistas y líderes de opinión, la desestabilización a los centros universitarios y académicos, el uso del aparato gubernamental para la persecución de opositores, la militaricación de la política migratoria  y la sistematica violación de los derechos humanos de nuestras hermanos y hermanos migrantes, la lógica prohibicionista del uso de drogas, los megaproyectos y sus ecocidios, la violación de la constitución para confirmar una mayoría legislativa artificial e ilegal, la amenaza a organismos autónomos, la manipulación de los mecanismos de democracia participativa, así como la colaboración, operación y trabajo conjunto con el crimen organizado. 

Apelamos a la solidaridad de nuestras organizaciones hermanas para poder alzar la voz en contra de los gobiernos con aspiraciones autoritarias. Llamamos a las fuerzas progresistas, socialdemócratas y socialistas para seguir firmes ante la amenaza autoritaria de la región y seguir luchando por un mundo de derechos y libertades para todas, todes y todos.

●     Venezuela 

El Comité Americano saluda el recién proceso electoral regional que se realizó el 21 de noviembre donde las fuerzas opositoras suman una mayoría de votos frente al régimen de Maduro que obtuvo su peor votación de los últimos 20 años, y aspiramos a que puedan seguir trabajando todas las fuerzas políticas del país en la búsqueda de mayores garantías electorales. También, reconocemos el esfuerzo de los diferentes actores políticos que apuestan a la recuperación del voto como instrumento de cambio político, considerando un avance en el último proceso para la oposición venezolana, quienes alcanzaron más de 120 alcaldías de los 335 municipios. 

Apostamos a que los sectores democráticos en Venezuela puedan reconciliarse y encontrarse, y en un proceso de diálogo plural puedan atender y resolver las condiciones para superar la grave crisis política, económica y social.

●     Uruguay

Tras 15 años de gobiernos del Frente Amplio, el pueblo escogió una coalición de partidos de derecha, la cual ha impulsado un proyecto que responde a los intereses y visión del gran capital concentrado. Este proyecto derechista ha tenido cuatro características fundamentales: es regresivo, concentra el poder político y la riqueza, desregula y disminuye el peso de lo público, y es conservador, con políticas como la rebaja de salarios reales, incremento de tarifas públicas, insuficiente apoyo socioeconómico a sectores afectados por la pandemia. 

La tarea del Frente Amplio es resistir el modelo, confrontar su visión y su implementación, así como apoyar el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones sociales para construir juntos la resistencia popular, como también convencer a las grandes mayorías de nuestro pueblo de la importancia de VOTAR SI en el referéndum que logró el pueblo uruguayo organizado para que los componentes más regresivos de la Ley de Urgente Consideración (LUC) queden sin efecto, como pieza central del enfrentamiento a la ofensiva neoliberal en curso.

●     República Dominicana  

La Juventud Revolucionaria Moderna hace un llamado a la comunidad internacional a que incluyan dentro de su prioridad la situación que acontece en la hermana República de Haití.

Haití necesita apoyo de la comunidad internacional para resolver la crisis de seguridad interna que tiene más del 74% de su territorio dominado por gangas criminales, de igual modo por la grave crisis política y humanitaria que vive Haití. No podemos dejar esta situación solo a República Dominicana, entre todos y todas debemos de ayudar a nuestro país hermano.

●     Paraguay 

En Paraguay, condenamos la persecución a líderes estudiantiles, campesinos e indígenas que termina en procesos judiciales injustos y encarcelamientos arbitrarios. La inacción del Estado paraguayo ante numerosos casos de violencia de género y crímenes de odio hacia las mujeres es de especial preocupación para el Comité, donde destaca la reciente muerte de la activista por los derechos de las personas trans Gabriela Cabrera que aún debe ser investigada por el Estado. 

Condenamos también la violación de los derechos de comunidades campesinas e indígenas con desalojos ilegales para beneficiar a terratenientes y narcotraficantes. También nos pronunciamos en contra de la intención del gobierno neoliberal de turno, de entregar de forma secreta los recursos energéticos de nuestro país (Represa de Itaipu), dificultando así el desarrollo y la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad de vida de todas y todos los paraguayos. Finalmente, deseamos a los compañeros y compañeras de la JPS y de la JRF el éxito de la unidad de los partidos progresistas para las Elecciones Generales del 2023.

●     Panamá

En estos momentos el país se encuentra en un proceso importante de reactivación económica, luego de pasar por la crisis pandémica que, sin duda, afectó a todos los sectores de la sociedad y la economía. Los organismos internacionales reconocieron que Panamá fue uno de los dos países de América Latina en no incrementar sus niveles de pobreza durante la pandemia, y eso es debido al programa del Gobierno Nacional denominado “Panamá Solidario”, que ha sido un programa social y de ayuda que llega directo a las familias panameñas para la compra de alimentos, medicamentos y artículos básicos del hogar, este programa sigue vigente beneficiando a casi un millón de panameños y panameñas.

La reactivación económica, va muy de la mano del proceso de vacunación y por ello se creó el programa Panavac-19, que ha logrado que el 85% de la población esté vacunada y donde hemos dado inicio al proceso de colocar la tercera dosis de refuerzo.

Es importante resaltar la labor que desarrolla el Gobierno Nacional que, a pesar de la difícil situación de una pandemia, han seguido desarrollando programas en pro de la eliminación de la sexta frontera, la desigualdad y la pobreza, planes como El Plan Colmena que lleva soluciones directas a familias de más de 300 corregimientos con pobreza multidimensional, resaltando el compromiso con la socialdemocracia y los principios torrijistas. 

●     Nicaragua 

En Nicaragua los niveles de represión son cada vez más altos, el abuso a los derechos humanos se ha incrementado y la dictadura de Ortega tiene secuestrados a más de 150 personas políticas. Esto ha provocado un exilio masivo de la juventud nicaragüense hacia Costa Rica y Estados Unidos para salvar sus vidas. 

Para poder superar la crisis política que enfrenta el país se requiere tener un proceso electoral que garantice el respeto a la voluntad popular, con un sistema electoral independiente y observación internacional. De igual manera, que se libere a todos los presos y presas políticas, así como se respete su integridad física.

●     Estados Unidos

Frente a la migración, el gobierno de Biden ha dado una respuesta insuficiente, contribuyendo indirectamente al aumento del racismo y xenofobia, y el incremento de la violencia en la frontera.  

Existe una división de clases acentuada aún más por la pandemia con una economía que opera en contra de las personas trabajadoras y migrantes. Paradójicamente, existe una falta de mano de obra debido a los bajos salarios, derivando en un aumento del desempleo y trabajo precarizado, falta de seguro médico y ausencia de seguridad social.

El desafío es luchar contra el racismo, contra la privatización, a favor de trabajo y sueldos dignos, y la elección de candidaturas que van a tomar acción fuerte contra la opresión, y por una calidad de vida óptima para todas las clases sociales.

●     Ecuador

La Juventud Socialista Ecuatoriana se levanta para demandar respeto a la vida y al trabajo, amenazados por la avalancha neoliberal y autoritaria, a defender los derechos a la salud integral, a la educación de calidad, al trabajo digno y humanizante, los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Reclamamos el derecho a protestar, a salir a las calles, a concurrir a los lugares de reunión, a las relaciones afectivas sin represión, al deporte, a la diversión sana, en suma, al logro de la felicidad. Respetaremos las normas de bioseguridad, pero no admitiremos que se atropellen las libertades.

La unidad del movimiento de jóvenes, para hacer resurgir el movimiento estudiantil como un actor social ha sostenido la educación de los pueblos, también ha sido capaz de insertarse en la sociedad y provocar transformaciones. Rechazamos de manera radical las propuestas de ley que limitan y reducen el acceso a este derecho. 

●     Costa Rica 

Para Costa Rica y sus juventudes, ante una evidente crisis ideológica política y económica, identificamos que los grandes retos radican en la calidad y garantía de la Educación para garantizar y hacer prevalecer la igualdad de condiciones en el estudiantado costarricense. 

Promovemos el respeto a los derechos humanos, las políticas de género, las mejoras a la población con discapacidad, los derechos LGBTTTIQ+, la salud y transversalización de los servicios acorde a las poblaciones atendidas con un enfoque étnico ya que muchos padecimientos de poblaciones definidas siguen siendo deficientes. De igual modo, seguridad, legalización de la marihuana, impulso de legislación que contemple la cyber seguridad, reforzar las medidas ambientales que destinen mayor contenido presupuestario para sostener los programas de Guardas forestales y Guardas Parques. Incentivar mayores acciones y políticas públicas en materia laboral y empleabilidad, innovación y tecnología con un enfoque territorial que respete los contextos sociales, culturales y étnicos.

Reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con una agenda programática social que responda a las necesidades de todas las personas nacionales y migrantes.

●     Colombia 

Desde IUSY saludamos a Colombia en su quinto aniversario de la firma del acuerdo de paz e instamos a continuar reuniendo esfuerzos para fomentar su implementación, así como la generación de estrategias de acciones efectivas en el territorio que sean garantes de los derechos humanos de las y los colombianos. La Paz, la democracia, transparencia, justicia, e inclusión deben seguir siendo los principios rectores sobre los cuales se desarrollen las agendas gubernamentales que conlleven al progreso hacia una sociedad más pacífica e incluyente. Rechazamos la violación de derechos y todo tipo de violencia ejercida contra la población y lideres sociales. 

Adicionalmente, felicitamos a las y los jóvenes en Colombia que actualmente están participando en la conformación de los consejos de juventudes que serán electos el próximo 5 de diciembre. Resaltamos el dinamismo y activismo de las juventudes liberales del país que desde las diferentes regiones están fortaleciendo su liderazgo y serán la voz y representación de la voluntad del pueblo en mecanismos de participación y democracia. Esperamos que en la dinámica política de elecciones nacionales se articulen líneas de apoyo y de acción que integren los intereses de la sociedad en vía al desarrollo y la Paz para un futuro sostenible con oportunidades para todas y todos los colombianos.

●     Chile 

El trabajo iniciado de la Convención Constitucional abre la puerta para dejar atrás el marco institucional heredado por la dictadura. En este sentido, se cierran filas en apoyo irrestricto a la defensa de este proceso democrático, que es la expresión libre y plural de las fuerzas políticas y ciudadanas. Sin embargo, ante la amenaza de las fuerzas de ultraderecha que tienen la posibilidad de llegar a la presidencia y han ingresado al Congreso de la República, esperamos que el liderazgo jóven del candidato presidencial Gabriel Boric permita cristalizar las transformaciones. 

Finalmente, exhortamos por una condena y juicio para quienes violaron los derechos humanos en el marco de la revuelta, y exhortamos por un proceso de verdad, justicia y reparación para las víctimas de las violaciones a los derechos humanos. 

●     Bolivia 

Las juventudes del MAS-IPSP plantean un horizonte político rumbo a la agenda patriótica 2025. Los desafíos en primera línea a encarar son: la erradicación de la violencia patriarcal y machista para el 2022; construcción a la educación escolar y universitaria, ya que desde la pandemia varios espacios de nuestro país cambiaron su modalidad de enseñanza, pues, será desde la juventud que el aporte a la construcción de un proyecto donde se incluya una mejor calidad de educación para todas y todos; el debate de la situación precaria de los trabajos laborales que siendo la otra cara de las transnacionales que han dejado sin representación ni voz al sector más amplio de Bolivia, el derecho al trabajo como los derechos laborales son un pilar importante en nuestra agenda de trabajo; y por último, el bono demográfico de Bolivia triplicará la cantidad de jóvenes, por lo tanto, la agenda de trabajo deberá irse adecuando en torno al proyecto modernista de cada departamento sustentado en la: despatriarcalización, la descolonización y antineoliberal.

Las juventudes del MAS son vigilantes eternos del proceso de cambio en Bolivia, que tiene en su mayoría una población joven, quiénes conforman la verdadera revolución democrática cultural. El desafío más grande es sostener el proceso de cambio.

●     Argentina 

Argentina tiene índices de pobreza que superan el 50% de la población, afectando principalmente a las mujeres y las juventudes. A la actual situación de crisis económica, sanitaria, educativa y de derechos humanos, siguen reproduciéndose viejas recetas que profundizan el extractivismo en nuestros territorios, el saqueo a nuestro pueblo y el colonialismo. La respuesta al resultado eleccionario que plasmó el hartazgo de la ciudadanía frente al gobierno actual fue más conservadurismo y profundización de la política de amigos y enemigos, favoreciendo un caldo de cultivo donde la rebeldía se ha manifestado desde la derecha. 

Manifestamos nuestra preocupación por la situación educativa en la cual el 20% de niños, niñas y adolescentes no han retomado sus estudios y la brecha digital es el principal condicionamiento al derecho a la educación de las juventudes. De la misma manera, llamamos la atención frente al ajuste al presupuesto universitario.

Exigimos que el gobierno convoque un diálogo nacional, que incluya a los distintos sectores económicos y sociales, organizaciones políticas, académicas y actores sub nacionales para comprometernos a encontrar caminos posibles para las y los argentinos.

Por último, 

El Comité Americano manifiesta su preocupación ante el incremento de la crisis migratoria y la crisis democrática en las Américas y aboga por el respeto y promoción de los derechos humanos para todas, todos y todes. Desde las organizaciones de IUSY seguiremos abonando a la construcción de una agenda de desarrollo alternativa en favor de las poblaciones vulnerables, del medio ambiente, feminista, pero, sobre todo, en pro de la integración regional, la cooperación internacional y del impulso del multilateralismo para priorizar la reducción de las desigualdades. 

Celebramos que este Comité se haya podido realizar de manera híbrida y agradecemos al Secretariado de IUSY, por prestar toda la ayuda para la realización de las actividades, así como a la organización anfitriona, las Juventudes de Izquierda, por las actividades realizadas y la hospitalidad de sus militantes, abriendo sus puertas al debate de las y los jóvenes de las Américas.

¡Si a la Paz!

¡El patriarcado lo vamos a tirar!

¡Relevo generacional ya!

¡En todo el mundo para cambiarlo!

¡Vacunas para todas, todos y todes!

Comité Americano de IUSY 2021
Ciudad de México, México
27 de noviembre de 2021