IUSY Statement on the Occasion of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

      On 2 December 1977, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an annual observance that 29 November is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. The international community recognized that the historical injustice inflicted on our people by the resolution on the partition of Palestine 181 (II), 30 years ago, must be ended, and the Palestinian people must be able to achieve their independence. Today, the political, legal, and moral basis for adopting the international day of solidarity persists. This is an additional incentive for the international system to exercise and assume its role and commitment to enable our people to live freely and exercise their sovereignty in their own State. The  Palestinian people continue in their struggle to uphold their commitment to their land and inalienable rights through international legitimacy and its relevant resolutions, which recognized the Palestine Liberation Organization as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, welcomed the Declaration of Independence by the Palestine National Council, and recognized the occupied State of Palestine and granted it the status of non-member observer State in the UN General Assembly. In this context, IUSY continues its  relentless pursuit to achieve  the Palestinian national unity and hold elections, We will continue to address the international community to contribute to halting of Palestine and pressuring Israel, the occupying power, to comply with principles of international law and resolutions in this regard. We also affirm our full support to a serious political process through an international conference based on international legitimacy as it was addressed by President Abbas to the SC of the UN and resolutions to end the Israeli occupation of the occupied State of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.” We call on the European Union countries and the international community, with their longstanding support for a just peace in middle east, to recognize the State of Palestine to save the political process and the two-state solution. The right wing Israeli government is racing against time to impose ‘a status quo’ on the ground to prevent the achievement of the independence of the State of Palestine. Hence, those who support the two-state solution must respond by creating a political reality that consolidates this solution through recognition of Palestine. IUSY also call on the newly elected U.S. administration to take the necessary measures to halt the catastrophic repercussions of the decisions and actions of Trump’s administration against Palestinian people, their land, and their rights. 

      With all its organs and specialized agencies, we call on the United Nations to reaffirm the Palestinian people’s commitment to its Charter and resolutions. The victory of the international community to the Palestinian just cause, the national right to self-determination and the Palestinian right to independence on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, is a victory to the principles and values of the United Nations and the will of the free people of the world who want peace and justice to prevail. 

IUSY Statement on the protests in Thailand

The youth-led protests in Thailand is an inspiration to youth movements all over the world, as they seek to take back power from government leaders who were part of the military dictatorship and the monarchy.

The recent protests on Tuesday called for King Maha Vajiralongkorn to give up control of royal wealth, which the protesters argue comes from taxpayers’ money. The protest movement has demanded for the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha who led the military junta before the new government was formed, the creation of a new charter, and reforms in the monarchy.

The protesters have been met with brutality from state forces and masked assailants. More than 50 people, including children who’ve joined the protests, have been injured and hospitalized from gunshot wounds and tear gas inhalation on the November 17 protests. Renowned activists have also been summoned on November 25 for violating an archaic lese-majeste law, which could throw opposition leaders to prison for 15 years for offending the members of the monarchy. 

As socialists, we support people’s movements in the struggle to fight for freedom, democracy and equality across the world. We believe that people should have democratic control over politics and the economy rather than a wealthy few. In the case of Thailand, the dissolution of the opposition party Future Forward Party, the dominant control of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha over the government, and the undue protections for the monarchy from criticisms run counter to democratic principles.

The members of the International Union of Socialist Youth call on the Thailand government to cease the use of excessive force against the protesters and stop criminalizing dissent. The criminalization of criticisms against the Thai government and the monarch have no place in a modern democracy, where people should be free to express their opinions without fear of repression.

We stand with the people of Thailand in their calls for accountability from the government and for their struggle to bring back power to the public.

Estimados/as compañeros/as, 

Estamos contentos/as y orgullosos/as de invitarles a nuestra reunión regional del Comité Americano 2020, en esta oportunidad, nuestro encuentro regional, coincide con la pandemia COVID-19, lo cual si bien limita la realización de eventos físicos, reposiciona con más fuerza la necesidad de repensar la globalización y de promover con mucha mas fuerza los valores de la solidaridad frente a los desafíos de la humanidad y especialmente por los que atraviesa la juventud. 

El comité americano de IUSY, es el evento más importante en la región al que podrán participar las organizaciones miembros e invitadas, donde se abordarán temas políticos de la región y se definirán los nuevos objetivos del comité americano de IUSY, los cuales, estarán en conocer, desde la participación de nuestras organizaciones miembros, las situaciones actuales que se producen en cada uno de los países de la región, los desafíos y las agendas de nuestras organizaciones, donde juntos/as podremos definir propuestas y atender las luchas que nuestros pueblos asumen por la democracia, la igualdad, la justicia y la libertad. 

Nuestra región está atravesando por momentos de grandes debates sobre estas luchas, que son una parte esencial de nuestros principios. El progresismo de los nuevos tiempos nos obliga a ser capaces de diferenciarnos de los extremismos, y siendo la socialdemocracia un movimiento reformista por naturaleza, los jóvenes estamos llamados a asumir con valentía nuestra visión política, en el animo de demostrar que la izquierda no es izquierda si no es progresista, solidaria y democrática. 

Johanna Ortega– Presidenta de IUSY     

Ana PirtskhalavaSecretaria general de IUSY         

Jesús Tapia– Vicepresidente de IUSY y coordinador del Comité Americano


  • Cada organización miembropuede registrar hasta dos participantes
  • La delegación deberá tener equilibrio de genero
  • Cada organización invitada puede registrar solo un participante
  • Fecha de límite para inscripción 22 de noviembre. 


Gohar Ghandilyan

IUSY Project Manager

EMAIL: gohar.ghandilyan@iusy.org

Phone: +43 699 135 32 960

¡Con muchas ganas de verlos/as!

Declaración de IUSY ante Masacres de adolescentes y jóvenes en Colombia

Desde la UNIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE JUVENTUDES SOCIALISTAS (IUSY) rechazamos y condenamos todos los actos de barbarie que a través de estos meses se han perpetuado en el territorio colombiano. Los cuales solo demuestran una descomposición social por parte de los agentes del conflicto armado que por décadas ha aturdido el territorio nacional, sumándole la inoperancia por parte del gobierno nacional que no ha garantizado una paz estable y duradera. Por el contrario,  como consecuencia de las decisiones gubernamentales que atentan contra el proceso de paz,  se ha sembrado miedo y dolor bajo el supuesto objetivo de garantizar: la ̈seguridad ̈, termino disfrazado de guerra, asesinatos, secuestros, y dolor.  

A la fecha en Colombia, en lo recorrido del 2020 hasta el mes de julio se reportan 294 personas clasificadas como menores o adolescentes, quienes fueron asesinadas. De los cuales 34, es decir el 11%, ocurrieron en Cali, ciudad con mayor cantidad de fallecidos en esos rangos en el país. Le sigue Bogotá con 20 casos y Medellín con 12. Pero justo este mes, AGOSTO, el mes de la juventud, donde solo debemos sonreír y trabajar en la implementaciòn de estrategias efectivas que promueven el liderazgo y participación de  nuestros jóvenes van 34 asesinatos, de estos se reportan 16 en Nariño, 6 en Tumaco, 3 en Antioquia, 3 en Cauca y 6 en el Valle del Cauca. 

No podemos tolerar este tipo de actos delictivos que atacan la integridad de la población, incrementando la inseguridad y ampliando la brecha del conflicto , el cual  aísla cada vez más el objetivo de construcción de paz en uno de los países que más hemos apoyado como organización global en su proceso y que ha sido referente para prácticas de resolución de conflictos en el mundo. Desafortunadamente ahora nos cuestionamos de múltiples maneras sobre las verdaderas acciones gubernamentales que se están llevando a cabo en el territorio nacional y que no han garantizando integralmente los derechos de la población, no solo con la ola de masacres de la población joven de colombia, sino también con el asesinato de sus líderes sociales.

Por tanto manifestamos nuestro apoyo y solidaridad con la Organización Nacional de Juventudes Liberales de Colombia, que ha promovido la lucha por la defensa de los derechos humanos, la democracia, la justicia, y especialmente la paz en su territorio; y hacemos un llamado a los grupos armados y al gobierno nacional, de solidaridad, reflexión y toma de conciencia sobre las decisiones arbitrarias que evitan la garantía de paz en el territorio. Para que así, en este mes, EL MES DE LA JUVENTUD, se proteja y salvaguarde la vida de nuestros jóvenes inocentes, para que se detenga por completo la violencia, y se entienda que las armas y el conflicto no son la solución sino el diálogo y la paz. 

La paz fue, es y será siempre el camino. 


IUSY Statement on Massacres of Teenagers and Young People in Colombia

From the INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SOCIALIST YOUTH (IUSY) we reject and condemn all the acts of barbarism that have been perpetuated throughout these months in the Colombian territory. They only show a social decomposition on the part of the agents of the armed conflict that for decades has stunned the national territory, adding to it the ineffectiveness of the national government that has not guaranteed a stable and lasting peace. On the contrary, as a consequence of government decisions that attempt against the peace process, fear and pain have been sown under the supposed objective of guaranteeing: ̈seguridad ̈, end up disguised as war, assassinations, kidnappings, and pain.  

To date in Colombia, in the period from 2020 to July, 294 people have been reported as minors or adolescents, who were murdered. Of these, 34, or 11%, occurred in Cali, the city with the highest number of deaths in these categories in the country. Bogotá follows with 20 cases and Medellín with 12. But just this month, AUGUST, the month of the youth, where we should only smile and work on the implementation of effective strategies that promote leadership and participation of our young people, is 34 murders, of which 16 are reported in Nariño, 6 in Tumaco, 3 in Antioquia, 3 in Cauca and 6 in Valle del Cauca. 

We cannot tolerate these types of criminal acts that attack the integrity of the population, increasing insecurity and widening the conflict gap, which increasingly isolates the objective of building peace in one of the countries that we have supported the most as a global organisation in its process and which has been a reference point for conflict resolution practices in the world. Unfortunately we are now questioning in many ways the real governmental actions that are being carried out in the national territory and that have not fully guaranteed the rights of the population, not only with the wave of massacres of the young population of Colombia, but also with the assassination of its social leaders.

We therefore express our support and solidarity with the National Organisation of Liberal Youth of Colombia (ONJL), which has promoted the struggle for the defence of human rights, democracy, justice, and especially peace in its territory; and we call on the armed groups and the national government to show solidarity, reflection and awareness of the arbitrary decisions that prevent the guarantee of peace in the territory. So that this month, THE MONTH OF YOUTH, the lives of our innocent young people will be protected and safeguarded, so that the violence will stop completely, and it will be understood that weapons and conflict are not the solution but dialogue and peace. 

Peace was, is and will always be the way. 

Statement on the Situation in Mali

(French version)

Ce 18 août 2020, une mutinerie dans une garnison proche de Bamako s’est conclue par l’arrestation du premier ministre Boubou Cissé et du président Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. Dans la nuit, ce dernier fut forcé à annoncer sa démission, celle du gouvernement et la dissolution de l’Assemblée nationale.

L’Union Interantionale des jeunes socialiste dénonce ce renversement militaire antidémocratique. Les colères et les frustrations exprimées massivement dans la rue par les Maliens ont des raisons plus profondes. Le Mali traverse depuis des années une crise multidimensionnelle, y compris de gouvernance et de défiance envers le pouvoir politique. Mais l’obstination d’une frange de l’opposition à refuser radicalement la feuille de route de sortie de crise proposée ces dernières semaines par la médiation de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CÉDÉAO) est coresponsable de la nouvelle situation, laquelle précipite aujourd’hui le Mali vers de nouvelles incertitudes.

En ces moments difficiles qui fragilisent davantage le Mali et la democratie, l’union Internationale des jeunes socialiste partage les inquiétudes du peuple malien. Il exprime sa pleine solidarité avec l’ensemble des forces démocratiques du Mali. Il appelle le pouvoir militaire qui s’est imposé à immédiatement permettre le retour à l’ordre constitutionnel et civil avec le soutien et la médiation des partenaires régionaux et internationaux.

(English version)

On August 18, 2020, a mutiny in a garrison town near Bamako ended with the arrest of Prime Minister Boubou Cissé and President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. During the night, Mali’s president has announced his resignation and the dissolution of the National Assembly.

International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) condemns this antidemocratic military overthrow. The anger and frustrations expressed in the streets by Malians have deeper reasons. Mali has been going through a multidimensional crisis for years, including mistrust of governance and political power. The opposition is jointly responsible for the situation today that precipitates Mali towards new uncertainties. The opposition radically refuses the roadmap to end the crisis. This proposal has been made in recent weeks through the mediation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

In these difficult times which further weakens Mali and the country’s democracy, IUSY shares the concerns of the Malian people. We express our full solidarity with all the democratic voices in Mali. We call on the military power to immediately allow a return to constitutional and civil order with the support and mediation of regional and international partners.

Statement regarding the recent attacks against Mapuche demonstrations in Chile

Declaración sobre los recientes ataques contra las manifestaciones el pueblo mapuche en Chile

Desde IUSY recibimos con preocupación la información sobre los grupos radicalizados que, durante el fin de semana, actuaron violentamente con armas, profirieron discursos racistas y quemaron símbolos espirituales del pueblo mapuche en localidades del sur de Chile.

Durante las ultimas noches se han registrado violentos enfrentamientos en las ciudades de Curacautin, Victoria, Ercilla, Collipulli y Traiguen, donde comuneros mapuche se encontraban ocupando las Municipalidades en apoyo a la huelga de hambre del machi Celestino Córdova y otros lideres que se encuentran condenados en cárcel.

Varios de estos actos violentos y manifestaciones racistas ocurrieron sin que agentes de la policía nacional desplegaran las medidas apropiadas para prevenir efectivamente su ocurrencia o impedir su continuación.

El Estado de Chile, en el marco de las convenciones sobre derechos humanos, tiene entre sus obligaciones la protección contra la discriminación fundada en orígenes étnicos. No está de más recordar que no ha pasado siquiera un año desde las graves violaciones a los derechos fundamentales ocurridas en las manifestaciones sociales en Santiago, reportadas por ACNUDH y otras ONG’s.

IUSY condena la escalada de violencia en Araucanía por parte del gobierno de Sebastián Piñera, en contra del pueblo mapuche. Como jóvenes socialistas es nuestro deber levantar la voz para que las autoridades prevengan, investiguen y sancionen estos hechos, enfrentando la narrativa racista contra las demandas mapuche. 

A su vez, demandamos que la comunidad internacional disponga presión politica para asegurar el respeto de los derechos humanos en Wallmapu, a través de acciones de nuestras organizaciones miembros en sus países.




IUSY is concerned receiving information about the violent actions of radicalised groups that used weapons, made racist speeches, and burned spiritual symbols of the Mapuche people in towns in southern Chile during the weekend. 

During the last nights, there have been violent confrontations in the cities of Curacautin, Victoria, Ercilla, Collipulli and Traiguen, where Mapuche community members were occupying the municipalities in support of the hunger strike of the machi Celestino Córdova and other leaders who are condemned to jail.

Several of these violent acts and racist demonstrations occurred without the National Police officers taking the appropriate measures to effectively prevent its occurrence or prevent its continuation.

The Chilean State, within the framework of the human rights conventions, has among its obligations the protection against discrimination based on ethnic origins. It is worth remembering that not even a year has passed since the serious violations of fundamental rights that occurred in the social protests in Santiago, reported by OHCHR and other NGOs.

IUSY condemns the escalation of violence in Araucanía by the Sebastián Piñera government, against the Mapuche people. As young socialists, it is our duty to raise our voices so that the authorities prevent, investigate, and sanction these events, confronting the racist narrative against the Mapuche demands.

In turn, we demand that the international community place political pressure to ensure respect for human rights in Wallmapu, through the actions of our member organisations in their countries.



IUSY MC and EC online meeting

IUSY MC and EC online meeting regarding the COVID-19 situation in MENA and EC regions. The call will take place on April 3rd at 19:00 Jerusalem time (18:00 CET) via Zoom Meeting

Below is the link for the meeting:


Meeting ID: 710 073 790

Topics discussed will be:

  1. What are the most recent updates from our countries?
  2. What did the governments do to counter this pandemic?
  3. What measures that took place in your countries can we benefit from?
  4. What did your party or youth organization do to fight the pandemic?
  5. What lessons can be learned?

Please feel free to join the meeting and also to spread it among your members.

IUSY and YES statement on Hungarian Coronavirus Act

With its 2/3 majority, Fidesz passed the Coronavirus Act in the Hungarian Parliament, granting the government unprecedented emergency powers and the most expansive onessince the fall of communism. The new law allows the government to rule by decree for an indefinite period of time. It also introduces a vaguely worded new paragraph to the already existing offence of scaremongering in the Criminal Code.

The coronavirus outbreak has brought pressure on many governments and demands swift and careful action to prevent any further spread of the virus. We understand that necessary measures require temporary & limited restrictions on some of the fundamental rights and freedoms in the name of the collective, but restrictions, should always be proportionate and necessary. A standard which the Hungarian Coronavirus Act manifestly fails to meet. A completely unrestricted mandate to rule by decree is never proportionate nor democratic. No government should get unrestricted power to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

The adopted new law also introduces prison sentences of up to five years for people thought to be spreading false information that alarms the public or impedes government efforts to protect people. The government will also be allowed to suspend the application of certain laws by decree if necessary and proportional to protect citizens’ health, life, property, rights, and to secure the stability of the economy in connection with the pandemic. Furthermore, no local or national elections or referendums can be held until the end of the state of emergency. These are often uncertain measures, especially for an indefinite period of time which can easily lead to absolute power of Orbán.

We are also surprised that in merely a few hours later, the President of Hungary signed the act into effect, underlining in his statement that the new law is in line with the Fundamental law and does not violate international agreements.

We, young socialists and social democrats, all over the world and in Europe, are alarmed how Orbán is further undermining the democratic principles in Hungary. We, in IUSY and in YES support all necessary measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, but we also stand on the side of our member organisation, Societas Hungary and and all other progressive forces fighting against the erosion of democracy while they continue to fight to protect the fundamental rights of the Hungarian people and Hungarian democracy in these difficult times.