Brando Benifei (S&D) asks to High Representative of the European Union Mogerini on the Arrest of Fateh Youth President by Israeli forces

Brando BENIFEI - Question to Mogherini on the arrest of Fateh Youth President by Israeli Forces

On Friday 12th January, Hassan Faraj, Fateh Youth President, was arrested by the Israeli occupation forces at the entrance of the city of Bethlehem while participating at the peaceful demonstrations against the Israeli government policy of settlement expansion in West Bank.

While in jail, Hassan Faraj was denied the possibility to meet his lawyer, and he is expected to be summoned in front of the Israeli Military Court within the Israeli Military Order next Tuesday.

Recalling European Parliament’s resolutions on the recognition of Palestine statehood (2014/2964(RSP) of 17 December 2014) and on the EU’s role in the Middle East peace process (2015/2685(RSP) of 10 September 2015),

we ask the HR/VP:

  • If the HR/VP is aware of this action that profoundly undermines peaceful dialogue’s chances between Israel and Palestine, by directly attempting to disqualify an important Fateh political figure from the political process, by disregarding the right to peaceful demonstrations and lastly by denying rights of prisoners to meet with their lawyer
  • If the HP/VP considers highlighting the case of Hassan Faraj to the relevant Israeli authorities

Question for written answer (Priority) presented to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative
of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the 16th of January