IUSY Feminist Working Group Statement and Call to Action

What: Queer Working Group
When: 27th-29th May
Where: Online meeting; ZOOM platform
Age: 18-35 years
Size: 25-30 people keeping the balance between the regions
Deadline: 24th May 12:00 CEST.
The current COVID-19 situation has made us realise how much the crisis situation affects people in already disadvantage situations. The LGBTI community is particularly vulnerable to suffer discrimination, or high-risk characteristics are likely to be disproportionately impacted by both the virus itself and the following safety measures.
IUSY Queer working group meeting aims to provide young activists from member organizations with knowledge on the theme of LGBT* issues and rights as well as develop, skills and competences to identify and counter homophobic and transphobic attitudes in their political activism. This years’ QWG will aim to recap on the work done in the past year and work further on guidelines and policy proposals for adapting their online activism to the current online times.
The COVID-19 outbreak has unexpected effects for LGBTQ people around the world from social isolation, domestic abuse, higher risk of infection by being part of the risk group (HIV positive, LGBTQI elderly), or online harassment.
The crisis situation is forcing LGBTQ youth back into living with their families in lockdown where they may not be accepted, where they can experience abuse, places vulnerable people at risk of homelessness and employment insecurity. The lock down may lead the LGBTQI community to find themselves in social isolation, particularly elderly. The current situation limits the social interaction to online social media, where often governments do not have strong policies on online harassment and hate speech.
On the health aspect there are several factors which may make LGBT people more at risk of contracting COVID-19, in addition many trans and non-binary people have been denied access to prescribed and scheduled hormone injections, treatments or surgeries by these being ‘non-essential’. This is likely to add to the anxiety and other associated mental health conditions which are already more prevalent.
The state of alarm and government policies like the one introduced in Hungary this week, the government proposed a bill that would make it illegal to change gender identity in official documents are hindering progress on potential legal changes that could grant LGBTQ people greater rights.
Queer voices are oftentimes silenced in society, so in order to support them we have to actively louden those voices. The easiest way is to give up spaces and opportunities to speak and let those spaces be occupied by LGBT people.
Participant’s profile
This activity is aimed towards the activists of IUSY member organisations. Please note that it is required that the participants stay for the whole duration of the activity and also to contribute to the working group after the meeting.
Participants should:
How to apply
Simply fill in the registration form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMXh-H8TPpeKv-kcJl28D-ReKnSqSsci-y4om_KAMVWquWcA/viewform
by Friday 22nd May 2020.
All applicants will receive the outcome of their application by the end of the day.
Online Meeting
The meeting will take place online, through the online platform Zoom. It will be in English and without any participation fee. Participants once confirmed their participation, will receive the programme, more detailed technical information and the link and an entry code to the meeting room.
The event will take place during three days for about two hours a day. This means we will have a space to talk, to share, to support and to act. The programme will offer some offline activities as well as reflexion time. We encourage the participants to remain active, engaged and available during the time of the on-going activity.
It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other.
Ana Ruiz
IUSY Project Manager
EMAIL: ana.ruiz@iusy.org
Phone: +43 699 135 32 970
Gohar Ghandilyan
IUSY Project Manager
EMAIL: gohar.ghandilyan@iusy.org
Phone: +43 699 135 32 960
We are looking forward to receiving your registration and meeting you online!
IUSY Presidium expresses its outrage at the prospects of formal annexation of further occupied Palestinian territory, which could begin as soon as July 1st, which constitutes a grave violation of international humanitarian law and normalizes the acquisition of land through the use of force. As youth organizations that believe in a rules-based world order we cannot but reject this. But this is not enough: Decades of statements have not contributed to achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. This is a call for action.
It is time for all member organizations and social-democratic comrades to translate words into action. It is in this context that we strongly condemn the attempts to lead by the German Foreign Minister and SPD member Mr. Heiko Maas, to promote the impunity of Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC). We call upon all governments to promote accountability both individually and multilaterally making use of all political, legal and diplomatic available tools. This includes supporting the mandate of the ICC in investigating and prosecuting all crimes committed in Palestine.
We also, express our utter condemnation to the Labor Party for committing to the annexation of occupied Palestinian territory by joining the Israeli government. There are no excuses for taking that step: Social Democratic values and human rights are universal and Palestinians are entitled to enjoy them. While concerns about social values in Israel are important, the fact that the Israeli Labor Party joined a coalition that promotes the negation of the same rights for the Palestinian people represents a giveaway to the core of our values. This is not what a member of a social-democratic does and as such, IUSY should avoid dealing with representatives of parties that deceived the social democratic principles and represent a provocation to others.
At the same time, we commend the position of Young Labor who opposes the Israeli Government and has made reiterative calls for a just and lasting peace with Palestine, as well as Meretz. We are also looking forward to building alliances with the movements representing the Palestinian citizens of Israel. IUSY will continue to promote progressive alliances for the advancement of a just and lasting peace between Israel, Palestine and the rest of the region which includes the full end of the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and the fulfillment of international law and UN resolutions, including the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.
In addition we make an urgent call on all our members to:
· Promote the boycott of all Israeli Settlement Products.
· Promote action, including divestment, on companies that violate the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by profiting from the Israeli occupation.
To promote action that will make their parties and governments take action against annexation.
1° of May
1° of May of 2020, a worker’s day finds us, this time without marches, demonstrations or commemorative lunches. COVID-19 has not only changed our routines, but it also exposed the inequalities of capitalism in times of multidimensional crisis such as those we are experiencing.
However, not only coronavirus kills but, above all, the neglect of our common goods, our public services, the ways of working of traditional, informal and care activities. Furthermore, it has intensified social and economic divisions, which could generate new cracks and political disappointment in many countries and regions.
Work´s conditions, as we knew them, are mutating, and that forces us to be more alert about the conditions in which workers are required to provide tasks. The pandemic we are going through is putting exorbitant pressure on low-paid workers who carry out small assignments, often linked to digital platforms, risking their health (even fatal).
This new time requires us to rethink answer to old problems. In countries with poor health care and a high proportion of informal economy, the alternative of immediate and direct aid for the basic security of the most vulnerable population appears as the most viable. However, in the latest financial crisis, those responsible (large banks and global players) were rescued with drastic state intervention, which did not prevent the excessive search for profits by these sectors. That background forces us to be extremely careful in the solutions we seek, if not, we will allow global capitalism, again, to overcome another crisis at the cost of social deterioration.
Even though the emergency will affect almost everyone in the world, regardless of age, income, or country, young people are likely to feel more pressure. Three out of four young people work in the informal economy, in agriculture or in cafes and restaurants, who cannot work from home. Many young people find themselves in unconventional, often poorly paid, forms of employment with irregular hours, poor job security and no social protection. Further, youth commonly work in sectors and industries that are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 (sales, accommodation and food sectors).
After the coronavirus crisis, we must join efforts to build universal public structures, massive investment in infrastructure in health, care, education, social protection, basic services, and transportation. As well as labor standards, which can better respond to constant changes, providing respect and dignity, security and equal opportunities for workers.
This cross-border pandemic requires a coordinated global response. This 1° of May we strive to pay special attention to protect workers from the adverse effects of the crisis. Further, we should also do not lose sight of the inclusion and protection of those who work on the margins, those who hold non-traditional jobs, dependent self-employed workers with unstable income, hourly workers without activity and low-paid workers.
Primero de mayo en un nuevo tiempo
Primero de mayo de 2020, un nuevo día del trabajador nos encuentra, esta vez sin marchas, manifestaciones ni almuerzos de conmemoración. El COVID-19 no solo ha modificado nuestras rutinas, sino que también desnudó las desigualdades del capitalismo en tiempos de crisis multidimensional como los que vivimos.
Sin embargo, no solo el coronavirus mata, sino sobre todo el descuido de nuestros bienes comunes, nuestros servicios públicos, las formas de trabajo de las actividades tradicionales, las informales y las del cuidado. Además, ha intensificado las divisiones sociales y económicas lo que podría generar nuevas grietas y decepción política en muchos países y regiones.
Todas las configuraciones del trabajo, tal como las conocíamos, están mutando, lo que nos obliga a estar más alerta sobre las condiciones en que las y los trabajadores son exigidos a prestar tareas. El estado de pandemia que estamos atravesando está imponiendo una presión exorbitante sobre las y los trabajadores mal remunerados que realizan pequeños encargos, a menudo vinculados a plataformas digitales, poniéndolos a riesgos (incluso mortales) para su salud.
Este nuevo tiempo, nos exige repensar respuestas a viejos problemas. En los países con una atención sanitaria deficiente y una elevada proporción de economía informal, aparece como lo más viable la alternativa de una ayuda inmediata y directa para la seguridad básica de la población más vulnerable. Sin embargo, en la última crisis financiera, los responsables (grandes bancos y actores globales) fueron rescatados con una drástica intervención estatal, que no impidió la búsqueda desmesurada de ganancias por dichos sectores. Lo dicho, nos obliga a ser extremadamente cuidadosos en las soluciones que buscamos, sino, nuevamente, permitiremos que el capitalismo global logre superar otra crisis a costa del deterioro social.
Si bien la emergencia afectará a casi todos en el mundo, independientemente de su edad, ingresos o país, es probable que los jóvenes sientan más presión. Tres de cada cuatro jóvenes trabajan en la economía informal, en la agricultura o en cafés y restaurantes, quienes no pueden obrar desde casa. Muchos jóvenes se encuentran en formas de empleo no convencionales, a menudo mal pagados, con horarios irregulares, poca seguridad laboral y ninguna protección social. A su vez, la juventud trabaja comúnmente en sectores e industrias que son particularmente vulnerables al COVID-19 (sectores de venta, alojamiento y alimentación).
Después de la crisis del coronavirus, debemos aunar esfuerzos por construir estructuras públicas universales, inversión masiva en infraestructura en salud, cuidado, educación, protección social, servicios básicos y transporte. Como así también, estándares laborales que puedan responder mejor a los constantes cambios, proporcionando respeto y dignidad, seguridad e igualdad de oportunidades de los y las trabajadores.
Esta pandemia
transfronteriza, exige una respuesta mundial coordinada. Este 1 de mayo
bregamos por prestar especial atención a proteger a los y las trabajadores de
los efectos adversos de la crisis. Aunque también, no perder de miras la
inclusión y protección de quienes trabajan en los márgenes, es decir, a quienes
desempeñan empleos no tradicionales, cuentapropistas dependientes con ingresos
inestables, trabajadores por hora sin actividad y trabajadores mal remunerados.
What: Feminist Working Group Meeting 2020
When: 11-13 May, 2020 (exact time to be confirmed)
Where: Zoom online platform
Age: 18-35 years
Registration Deadline: 5 May, 2020
Every year, IUSY Feminist Working Group brings together young activists of IUSY member organisations from all seven regions to engage in a dialogue on common struggles and obstacles, and work together to come up with strategies to enact political and social change.
In the past three years IUSY Feminist Working Group has had enriching experiences and opportunities to meet. We have implemented two social media campaigns on “Stories of Women*”(2017, 2018) and theWomen*Resist video campaign. In 2019, we have published the toolkit “The struggle for equality. A toolkit for the feminist fight” together with the participants of international activity supported by the European Youth Foundation.
Because our regular annual working group cannot take place at the moment due to COVID-19, we are organising our Feminist Working Group 2020 online. We want to give our participants the opportunity to share how they are doing in this situation and what is happening in their realities from the feminist perspective.
What can you expect?
We will get together for 3 days (about 2 hours per day) in an informal and formal settings. This means we will have a space to talk, to share, to support and to act.
More details on the programme will come soon and all registered participants will be informed of the technicalities and the content of the meeting.
The meeting will be held online on the Zoom platform. It will be in English and without any participation fee. Time of the meeting will be specified as soon as possible taking into account the different time zones.
It is important to remember that our events are safe spaces and that we are mindful and respectful towards each other.
With best regards,
Johanna Ortega Ana Pirtskhalava Caterina Cerroni
IUSY President IUSY Secretary General Feminist WG coordinator
Who can apply
This activity is aimed towards the activists of IUSY member organisations. Please note that it is required that the participants stay for the whole duration of the activity and also to contribute to the working group after the meeting.
Participants should:
How to apply
To apply you must complete the following form by 5 May 2020.
Contact information
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the project at the IUSY Secretariat:
Gohar Ghandilyan
IUSY Project Manager
EMAIL: gohar.ghandilyan@iusy.org
Phone: +43 699 135 32 960
We are looking forward to receiving your registration and meeting you online!