Stand Up Against Racism – Every Day!

International Day against Racism on March 21st: IUSY FIGHTS RACISM EVERY DAY!

Today is International Day against Racism. Racism still hits a huge amount of people, all round the world. Some of them every day. Some of them deadly. In some parts of the world we even see how it spreads and brings with it war and inequality.

The International Day against Racism is important to help making daily discrimination more visible. But in fact: as IUSY we say no to racism every day! As IUSY we want zero tolerance against racism! We raise our voice against it, against the extrem-right. Against racism in asylum- and migration policies and against racism in everyday life. It is about firmly standing for our ongoing struggle: against racism and fascism.

Dividing lines between groups of the society are not cultural or ethnic ones, but social and economic ones. Racism is often described as a phenomenon at the margins, but in fact it is quite the opposite. Racism has been and is becoming part of the political discourse and is thereby seen as a “valid political opinion”. We can find it in the whole society, at all levels -whether speaking about laws, institutions or our work environment. Whether we are walking on the street, watching TV or reading newspapers.

As socialists and social democrats, we will never accept a shift in the political debate to be about hierarchies between groups. We must tackle the roots of the problem. We believe that these include social injustice, inequality, unemployment and segregation as part of a capitalist system.

As IUSY we believe in diversity. And we are fighting racism all over the world. In single steps, one after the other. We will not succeed on one single day. Maybe not until tomorrow and maybe not even until the day after. But every single day, we are making a difference.  STAND UP AGAINST RACISM – EVERY DAY!