Statement Balkan Round Table 2022

In these challenging times, when we are living in unusual circumstances, starting with the pandemic and ending with a devastating war, Balkan countries have been particularly affected.

Right-wing populism and nationalism across the Balkans have been arising, and threatening security and stability in our countries.

In recent weeks, we have witnessed gross violations of international law and casualties caused by the Russian military actions in Ukraine. Also, many Russian peace activists have been imprisoned, apart from already having a lot of setbacks in exercising their human right to public gathering.

Even before the war in Ukraine started, tensions in the Balkan region, supported by sowing nationalism and nationalist rhetoric, were present and put the stability of the region into question.

Furthermore, the fear of rising gas, energy and food prices resulting from the war in Ukraine are also very strong in the Balkan countries, where the standard of living is much lower than those in the more prosperous EU countries.

Current events show that keeping Balkan countries on the European path, and maintaining peace, prosperity and stability in the region, has never been as important as it is now.

During the BRT Committee meeting in March 2022 in Belgrade, we discussed the challenges that our countries have been facing during these worrying circumstances.

As young socialists and social democrats, we defend our shared values, including democracy, respect of human rights, global peace and stability.

We must act, and we therefore call on all the responsible political actors to support all demands mentioned below and to stand by our side:

  1. IUSY Balkan Round Table Committee condemns the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and support the democratic aspirations and fundamental freedoms of the Ukrainian people.
  2. Nationalist and authoritarian forces must be stopped. Silence and non-condemnation of military aggression means supporting military attacks and sowing instability, which have been seen in the actions of authoritarian leaders in the region.
  3. We call upon our governments to establish peace and stability in the region by finding solutions for current conflicts via constructive dialogue.
  4. We are united in our efforts for a better life for young people in the Balkan region and re-establish a credible perspective for the Western Balkan countries to join the European Union.
  5. We are deeply concerned by the crackdown happening within the Russian Federation on dissidents and civil society by the Putin regime.