Take Action! React Now! Save Kessab!

Statement by the Armenian Youth Federation  

The Armenian Youth Federation is seriously concerned about the critical situation in the Armenian-populated town of Kessab, in Syria. The last few days have been a real nightmare for the peaceful civilians of Kessab when al-Qaeda related extremists attacked the town.

Take Action! React Now! Save Kessab! 

Located in the northwestern corner of Syria, near the border with Turkey, Kessab had, until very recently, avoided major battles in the Syrian conflict. The local Armenian population had grown in recently years with the city serving as a safe-haven for those fleeing from the war-torn cities of Yacubiye, Rakka and Aleppo.

On the morning of March 21st, extremist foreign fighters launched a vicious attack on Kessab civilians. Subsequent attacks occurred on March 22nd and 23rd and included mass looting of local residences and the desecration of Armenian Churches in the area. Within days of the onslaught launched from Turkey, nearly the entire Armenian population of Kessab has fled to neighboring Latakia and Bassit to avoid slaughter. Civilians, who were not able to flee, have reportedly been taken hostage, while churches and homes are being systematically desecrated and looted. Further, there are reports that indicate that injured extremists are returning to Turkey for medical treatment.

If the suspicions that Turkey are facilitation the attacks is true it is very worrying. A facilitation of al-Qaida affiliated foreign fighters and their attacks on innocent civilians in Syria undermines ongoing international efforts to bring peace to a country ravaged by violence for far too long. Turkey’s direct cooperation with al-Qaida extremists would then show that a country which is negotiating to enter the European Union is directly linked to the world’s most extremist organization. This kind of behavior must not be excepted.

For Armenians in the region and around the world, the situation is horrifying and bitter reminder of the genocide committed against the Armenians by the Ottoman Turkish authorities from 1915-1923. The situation in Kessab is critical, and can be even more desperate if the extremists reach Latakia. We urge an international reaction on Kessab.

We urgently request IUSY and all sister organizations to urge their respective governments to condemn any kind of support and cooperation with Al-Qaida affiliated foreign fighters against the civilian population of the predominantly Armenian region of Kessab, Syria.

We together have the power to stop this support and assistance to these radical groups and send a clear message that targeted military strikes against innocent civilians are unacceptable under any circumstances and are a clear violation of human rights.

The international community must react immediately to stop further violence. As socialist youth, we cannot stay indifferent to the ongoing violence in Kessab! 

Take Action Now! Save Kessab!