Statement regarding the recent attacks against Mapuche demonstrations in Chile

Declaración sobre los recientes ataques contra las manifestaciones el pueblo mapuche en Chile

Desde IUSY recibimos con preocupación la información sobre los grupos radicalizados que, durante el fin de semana, actuaron violentamente con armas, profirieron discursos racistas y quemaron símbolos espirituales del pueblo mapuche en localidades del sur de Chile.

Durante las ultimas noches se han registrado violentos enfrentamientos en las ciudades de Curacautin, Victoria, Ercilla, Collipulli y Traiguen, donde comuneros mapuche se encontraban ocupando las Municipalidades en apoyo a la huelga de hambre del machi Celestino Córdova y otros lideres que se encuentran condenados en cárcel.

Varios de estos actos violentos y manifestaciones racistas ocurrieron sin que agentes de la policía nacional desplegaran las medidas apropiadas para prevenir efectivamente su ocurrencia o impedir su continuación.

El Estado de Chile, en el marco de las convenciones sobre derechos humanos, tiene entre sus obligaciones la protección contra la discriminación fundada en orígenes étnicos. No está de más recordar que no ha pasado siquiera un año desde las graves violaciones a los derechos fundamentales ocurridas en las manifestaciones sociales en Santiago, reportadas por ACNUDH y otras ONG’s.

IUSY condena la escalada de violencia en Araucanía por parte del gobierno de Sebastián Piñera, en contra del pueblo mapuche. Como jóvenes socialistas es nuestro deber levantar la voz para que las autoridades prevengan, investiguen y sancionen estos hechos, enfrentando la narrativa racista contra las demandas mapuche. 

A su vez, demandamos que la comunidad internacional disponga presión politica para asegurar el respeto de los derechos humanos en Wallmapu, a través de acciones de nuestras organizaciones miembros en sus países.




IUSY is concerned receiving information about the violent actions of radicalised groups that used weapons, made racist speeches, and burned spiritual symbols of the Mapuche people in towns in southern Chile during the weekend. 

During the last nights, there have been violent confrontations in the cities of Curacautin, Victoria, Ercilla, Collipulli and Traiguen, where Mapuche community members were occupying the municipalities in support of the hunger strike of the machi Celestino Córdova and other leaders who are condemned to jail.

Several of these violent acts and racist demonstrations occurred without the National Police officers taking the appropriate measures to effectively prevent its occurrence or prevent its continuation.

The Chilean State, within the framework of the human rights conventions, has among its obligations the protection against discrimination based on ethnic origins. It is worth remembering that not even a year has passed since the serious violations of fundamental rights that occurred in the social protests in Santiago, reported by OHCHR and other NGOs.

IUSY condemns the escalation of violence in Araucanía by the Sebastián Piñera government, against the Mapuche people. As young socialists, it is our duty to raise our voices so that the authorities prevent, investigate, and sanction these events, confronting the racist narrative against the Mapuche demands.

In turn, we demand that the international community place political pressure to ensure respect for human rights in Wallmapu, through the actions of our member organisations in their countries.



IUSY World Congress (Postponed)

IUSY informs that in the light of COVID-19 and after an official communication from the Government of Panama regarding the suspension of massive international events; the IUSY World Congress is postponed.

We are expecting to communicate to you updated information by 1st of April. 

We thank you for your understanding and we call to all our member organisations to be in solidarity with those in need. Stay safe!

If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us at

IUSY statement on the situation in the Dominican Republic


IUSY manifiesta su preocupación por suspensión de elecciones municipales en República Dominicana

Desde la unión internacional de Juventudes socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en Inglés), manifestamos nuestra preocupación por suspensión de elecciones municipales y hacemos un llamado al respeto de la democracia en República Dominicana, donde se realizarían elecciones municipales y las mismas han sido suspendidas el mismo día de la elección por la Junta Central Electoral.

Es un grave atentado contra el sistema democrático del país caribeño, lo cual generará desconfianza de los electores ante el órgano electoral, donde el 80% de los equipos previstos para esta jornada no funcionarón y donde se esperaba el triunfo del principal partido de oposición, Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM).

Hacemos un llamado al respeto del proceso electoral y permitan al pueblo dominicano elegir sus representantes de manera libre y siempre democrática.


IUSY expresses its concern over suspension of municipal elections in the Dominican Republic

From the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), we express our concern about the suspension of municipal elections and make a call for respect of the democracy in the Dominican Republic, where municipal elections would be held and where they have been suspended the same election day by the Central Electoral Board.

It is a serious attack against the democratic system of the Caribbean country, which will generate distrust of the voters before the electoral body, where 80% of the equipment planned for this day did not work and where the triumph of the main opposition party was being expected, Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).
We make a call to the respect of the electoral process and allow the Dominican people to choose their representatives freely and always democratically.

IUSY statement on the situation in El Salvador


IUSY condena acciones contra el parlamento de El Salvador

La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY por sus siglas en inglés) condena las acciones promovidas por el Presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, contra el parlamento, donde con el uso de las fuerzas militares ha tomado las instalaciones del poder legislativo, promoviendo incluso; un llamado a la violencia y de persecución contra parlamentarios de la oposición.

Hacemos un llamado para que se garantice el respeto de las instituciones democráticas del país centroamericano y exhortamos a todos los actores políticos a establecer un diálogo que permita una solución pacífica.

Las acciones violentas del poder ejecutivo contra el poder legislativo quebrantan el orden constitucional.


IUSY condemns actions against the parliament of El Salvador

The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) condemns the actions promoted by the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, against the parliament, where with the use of military forces he has taken the facilities of the legislative power, even promoting a call to violence and persecution against parliamentarians from the opposition.

We make a call for the respect of the democratic institutions of the Central American country to be guaranteed and we urge all political actors to establish a dialogue that allows a peaceful solution.

The violent actions of the executive branch against the legislative branch violate the constitutional order.


L’IUSY condamne les actions contre le parlement du Salvador

L’Union Internationale de la Jeunesse Socialiste (UIJS) condamne les actions promues par le Président du Salvador, Nayib Bukele, contre le parlement, où avec l’utilisation des forces militaires il a pris le contrôle des installations du pouvoir législatif, allant même jusqu’à promouvoir ; un appel à la violence et à la persécution contre les parlementaires de l’opposition.

Nous demandons que le respect des institutions démocratiques de ce pays d’Amérique centrale soit garanti et nous exhortons tous les acteurs politiques à établir un dialogue qui permettra une solution pacifique.

Les actions violentes du pouvoir exécutif contre le pouvoir législatif violent l’ordre constitutionnel.

IUSY and YES Statement on Trump’s “Peace plan”

We are witnessing the latest developments regarding the Middle East conflict, following US President Donald Trump’s so-called “Peace Plan”. This plan promotes unilateral annexations of vast territories in the West Bank by Israel, a crime of aggression under the Rome Statute, while completely ignoring the long occupation of those territories. The consequences of its implementation would be devastating for any real and sustainable peace in the future. Even more so given the fact that this plan surges at a time of non-existing efforts by the Israeli government to promote the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside an Israeli state. On the contrary, it comes after a decade of expansion of the settlement enterprise led by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The plan put forward by President Trump is a distractive one. While using a two-state solution discourse, Trump’s plan is based on the distorted idea that a peace process can begin with a one-sided annexation of occupied land. This peace-in-disguise will allow Israel’s right extremists to fulfill their vision of permanent presence in the West Bank while de facto depriving the Palestinians’ hopes and dreams for an independent state of their own. We should not be fooled by Trump’s promises – there will be no peace at the end of this process, only two nations bind in an even deadlier conflict, with fewer possibilities to create a reality of peace and prosperity for their peoples. This initiative of a populist right-wing president to save himself from impeachment, and his partner, Benjamin Netanyahu, from three cases of corruption in Israel.

IUSY and YES shall continue to urge the Israeli government to act immediately for this cause. IUSY and YES express dual solidarity with its member organizations both in Israel and Palestine who work persistently in order to establish a large movement of activists who share this vision of peace and justice. The support of socialists from all corners of the globe is essential in the efforts for strengthening this voice within Israel, and in promoting the ability to build a sustainable and just future for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people.

IUSY and YES declare their firm commitment with the fulfilment of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination that has been violated by Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise. Trump’s initiative does nothing but perpetuates the denial of rights while rewarding Israel for systematically violating international law. Peace cannot be an abstract. It composed by justice, equality and the fulfilment of the rights of everyone, in this case, of Israelis, Palestinians and the rest of the region.

IUSY and YES will only support a Peace Process that:

  • Ends the Israeli occupation that began in 1967, including in and around East Jerusalem.
  • Based on a two-state solution, achieved through a direct dialog between the two nations under the international community supervision, as the overriding method to achieve a peace agreement in the Middle East.
  • Sees the establishment of a fully sovereign Palestinian State, with control over its airspace, natural resources and all other attributes of sovereignty.
  • Grants equal political and civil rights for all citizens of Israel and Palestine, including between Jewish and Arab citizens in Israel.
  • Solves all issues based on international law and relevant UN resolutions.

We warn everyone about the dangerous precedents that the Trump Administration is imposing by promoting this plan. Violation of basic principles of International Law, such as the inadmissibility of acquisition of the land through the use of force, could be turned into precedents that will only make it more difficult to secure peace and security elsewhere. This is no longer time for mere statements.

The Presidium of IUSY and YES have decided to launch a campaign in order to help in saving the prospects of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. This includes:

  • A commitment of all members to work for the immediate recognition of the State of Palestine on the 1967 border.
  • Request from all members to take proactive action against Israel’s settlements and its economic supporters, including by banning settlement products and Calling upon the UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet to release the database of companies involved in the Israeli occupation in 1967 lands
  • Promoting visits of our members to support on the ground the progressive forces in Israel and Palestine, including the right to political and civil equality for the Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel and the struggle against the occupation that began in 1967, including in East Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine

We call for the end of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian people, based on our belief in equality and freedom, and aspire for independence and self-determination of all peoples in the region. We hope to end the rising violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian territories and to establish a just, egalitarian and secure space with opportunities for life, development, freedom of speech, peace and solidarity.

Situación protestas Colombia

La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas -IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés- expresa su preocupación por la reacción del gobierno de Colombia frente a la masiva protesta social abierta con el paro nacional del 21 de noviembre, con varios hechos violentos suscitados en distintas regiones del país.

El derecho a la protesta como expresión pacifica es fundamental en una democracia. El despliegue del Ejército en las calles, el decreto de toque de queda y los ataques de la policía nacional no van de la mano con el respeto a los estándares en materia de derechos humanos que deben guiar a los Estados, sumándose la ola que en las ultimas semanas ha sacudido a diversos países latinoamericanos.

Si bien se valora el llamado del Presidente Duque a una conversación nacional con alcaldes, gobernadores y sectores de la sociedad civil, ese dialogo va de la mano con casos como el del estudiante Dilan Cruz, quien murió tras recibir un disparo de bomba lacrimógena por parte de la ESMAD (Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios); o el de mujeres que han sido heridas en la Universidad de Los Andes por motoristas de la policía; o los ataques en contra de periodistas que ha reportado la Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP).

La amalgama de demandas sociales es amplia, con un increíble espíritu cívico. Los asesinatos de líderes sociales, el intento de pasar un “paquetazo” de medidas económicas, el acceso desigual a la educación superior, el poco compromiso con el acuerdo de paz con las FARC, y la ramificación local del caso Odebrecht han afectado al gobierno de Iván Duque.

El caceroleo y las concentraciones, protagonizadas por miles de jóvenes en cientos de plazas colombianas, expresan un espíritu critico con la desigualdad, junto a las voces indígenas, afrocolombianas, campesinas, femeninas, de la comunidad LQTBI, entre otros, que reclaman por justicia.

Finalmente, extendemos nuestra solidaridad al pueblo colombiano, en especial a nuestra organización miembro Juventudes Liberales, así como a las fuerzas progresistas colombianas. Condenamos las amenazas militaristas de Duque ante la protesta social, exigiendo que se detengan los hechos de violencia que protagonizan agentes del Estado. ¡Que prime la democracia y la paz ante la movilización!

Situation of demonstrations in Colombia


The International Union of Socialist Youth -IUSY- expresses its concern about the reaction of the Colombian government to the massive social demonstrations, opened with the national strike on November 21st, with several violent events in different regions of the country.

The right to protest as a peaceful expression is fundamental in a democracy. The deployment of the Army in the streets, the curfew decree and the attacks of the national police do not go hand in hand with respect for human rights standards that should guide the States, adding to the wave that in recent weeks it has shaken several Latin American countries.

While President Duque’s call for a national conversation with mayors, governors and civil society sectors most be valued, this dialogue share space with cases such as that of student Dilan Cruz, who died after receiving a shot of tear gas by the ESMAD (Colombian’s Mobile Riot Squadron); or women who have been injured at the University of Los Andes by police motorists; or attacks against journalists reported by the Press Freedom Foundation (FLIP).

The amalgam of social demands is wide, with an incredible civic spirit. The killings of social leaders, the attempt to pass a “packet” of economic measures, unequal access to high education, little commitment to the peace agreement with the FARC, and the local branching of the Odebrecht case have affected the government of Ivan Duque.

The “caceroleo” and concentrations, starring by thousands of young people in hundreds of Colombian places, express a critical essence to the inequality, together with voices of the indigenous, Afro-Colombian, farmer, female, and the LQTBI community, among others, who demand justice.

Finally, we extend our solidarity to the Colombian people, especially to our member organization Liberal Youth, as well as to the Colombian progressive forces. We condemn Duque’s militaristic threats against the social protest, demanding that the acts of violence carried out by State agents be stopped. Let democracy and peace prevail!

Rechazamos el golpe de Estado en Bolivia


La Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas (IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés) expresa su profundo rechazo al golpe de Estado ocurrido el día domingo en Bolivia en contra el gobierno de Evo Morales, luego de la presión para renunciar de las Fuerzas Armadas de dicho país.


Condenamos el quiebre institucional propiciado por las fuerzas armadas y policiales, aliadas con sectores políticos autoritarios y confesionales, así como los actos de violencia contra autoridades, dirigentes políticos, sectores movilizados y sus familiares, que ha incluido la persecución, secuestros, linchamientos y ataques a viviendas, hasta el exceso de decretar el arresto de Evo Morales.


La situación que atraviesa este país andino obliga a recordar la necesidad de defender siempre la democracia por sobre todo. Las marcas en los países latinoamericanos por la interferencia de las fuerzas represivas en la vida pública son aún intensas y por ello abogamos por que las tendencias políticas desistan de tentar a este viejo enemigo de nuestros pueblos.


La paz y seguridad de las bolivianas y bolivianos no puede ser amenazada por aquellos que, justamente, deben garantizarla. Llamamos a los distintos sectores políticos del país a resguardar el orden constitucional y a la comunidad internacional a estar vigilante ante este escenario de desestabilización institucional.

El militarismo palpable en nuestra región no es el camino para nuestras democracias. Como jóvenes socialistas, socialdemócratas y laboristas nos merece el repudio el alzamiento en armas y el golpe de Estado a un gobierno electo democráticamente, que se había abierto a una nueva convocatoria a elecciones frente al informe final de OEA.


Finalmente, extendemos nuestra solidaridad al pueblo boliviano, en especial a nuestra organización miembro JMAS, así como a las fuerzas progresistas bolivianas, las que se encuentran amenazadas frente a este quiebre político-institucional. ¡Que prime la democracia y la paz social ante esta sensible situación!


IUSY Presidium Statement

“Reject to the coup d’état in Bolivia”


The International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) expresses its deep rejection to the coup d’état on Sunday in Bolivia, against the government of Evo Morales, after the pression to resign of the Armed Forces of that country.


We condemn the institutional breakdown caused by the armed and police forces, allied with authoritarian and confessional political sectors, as well as acts of violence against authorities, political leaders, mobilized sectors and their families, which has included persecution, kidnappings, lynchings and attacks on homes, until the excess of decreeing the arrest of Evo Morales.


The situation that this Andean country is going through, forces us to remember the need to always defend democracy above all. The marks in Latin American countries due to the interference of repressive forces in public life are still intense and that is why we advocate that political tendencies desist from tempting this old enemy of our peoples.


The peace and security of Bolivian’s people cannot be threatened by those who, precisely, must guarantee it. We call on the different political sectors of the country to protect the constitutional order and the international community to be vigilant against this scenario of institutional destabilization.


Palpable militarism in our region is not the way for our democracies. As young socialists, social democrats and labours, we deserve the repudiation of the rise in arms and the coup d’état of a democratically elected government, which had opened up for a new call for elections, after the final OAS report.


Finally, we extend our solidarity to the Bolivian people, especially to our member organization JMAS, as well as to the Bolivian progressive forces, which are threatened against this political-institutional breakdown. Let democracy and social peace be prime in this sensitive situation!

Declaración Especial Comité Americano IUSY 2019 “Situación de Chile”

El Comité Americano de la Unión Internacional de Juventudes Socialistas –IUSY, por sus siglas en inglés–, expresa su condena a las violaciones a los derechos humanos que ha desarrollado el gobierno de Sebastián Piñera, en contra del pueblo chileno que se encuentra manifestándose por una vida justa y digna.

La primavera de Chile ha significado la salida a las calles para manifestarse pacíficamente por millones de personas, poniendo en la mesa una agenda para garantizar los derechos sociales por el Estado en salud, pensiones y educación; discutiendo las consecuencias de décadas de políticas neoliberales que han profundizado la desigualdad; a la vez de abrir un momento constituyente mediante la organización desde los territorios con el fin de lograr una nueva Constitución en democracia.

Desde el decreto del estado de excepción constitucional, que cedió el control de las principales ciudades de Chile y su capital en manos de los militares, hasta las jornadas de manifestaciones reprimidas violentamente por Carabineros -la policía nacional-, hemos visto una creciente ola de daño al pueblo chileno.

Se ha podido constatar a través de diversos organismos civiles y gubernamentales hechos que constituyen claras violaciones a los derechos humanos realizados por agentes del Estado, con 23 asesinatos, 52 casos de violencia sexual, 192 relatos de tortura, tratos inhumanos y degradantes, cientos de heridos de bala, 197 personas con traumas oculares, más de 600 niños, niñas y adolescentes detenidos desde el inicio de las manifestaciones, entre otros.

Solicitamos que el gobierno de Piñera acepte la visita in loco de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos para verificar la situación en la materia, sumándose a las labores que está desarrollando en estos días Naciones Unidas, a través de la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de Derechos Humanos.

Mostramos el respaldo a la idea que impulsan nuestras organizaciones miembro chilenas, de realizar un plebiscito para una nueva Constitución, convocando al pueblo a derogar el ultimo legado de Pinochet y a decidir el mecanismo más democrático para ello.

Hacemos el llamado a detener la violencia policial y la agenda de represión del gobierno de Piñera, demostrando lo insostenible que es el neoliberalismo sin la brutalidad del Estado, atendiendo las demandas ciudadanas por un nuevo pacto social y político. Como dijera Salvador Allende, “tienen la fuerza, pero no se detienen los procesos sociales ni con el crimen ni con la fuerza… la historia es nuestra y la hacen los pueblos”.

Quito, 09 de octubre de 2019


IUSY American Committee Special Statement 2019 “Situation of Chile”

The American Committee of the International Union of Socialist Youth -IUSY- expresses its condemnation of the human rights violations developed by the government of Sebastián Piñera, against the Chilean people who are manifesting themselves by a fair and dignified life.

The spring of Chile has meant the get out of millions of people to the streets to demonstrate peacefully, putting on the table an agenda to guarantee social rights by the State in health, social security and education; discussing the consequences of decades of neoliberal policies that have deepened inequality; while opening a constituent moment through the organization from the territories in order to achieve a new Constitution in democracy.

From the decree of the state of constitutional exception, which gave control of the main cities of Chile and its capital in the hands of the military, to the days of demonstrations violently repressed by Carabineros, the national police, we have seen a growing wave of damage to the Chilean people.

It has been possible to verify through various civil and governmental organizations facts that constitute clear human rights violations carried out by State agents, with 23 murders, 52 cases of sexual violence, 192 reports of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, hundreds of injured of bullet, 197 people with eye trauma, more than 600 children and adolescents detained since the beginning of the demonstrations, among others.

We request that the Piñera government accept the on-site visit of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to verify the situation in the matter, adding to the work being carried out by the United Nations these days, through the Office of the High Commissioner for Rights Humans.

We show support for the idea promoted by our Chilean member organizations, to carry out a plebiscite for a new Constitution, calling on the people to repeal the last Pinochet legacy and decide on the most democratic mechanism for it.

We call to stop police violence and the repression agenda of the Piñera government, demonstrating how unsustainable neoliberalism is without the brutality of the State, responding to citizen demands for a new social and political pact. As Salvador Allende said, “they have the strength, but social processes do not stop with either crime or force … history is ours and people make it.”

Quito, October 9th, 2019